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Your search for English language UK Draft Statutory Instruments from 2007 has returned 166 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYearLegislation type
    The Private Security Industry Act 2001 (Amendments to Schedule 2) Order 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2201
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Terrorism Act 2006 (Disapplication of Section 25) Order 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2181
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Limited Liability Partnerships (Amendment) Regulations 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2073
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Investigation of Protected Electronic Information: Code of Practice) Order 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2200
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Acquisition and Disclosure of Communications Data: Code of Practice) Order 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2197
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Gambling Act 2005 (Operating Licence Conditions) Regulations 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2257
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    Gambling (Lottery Machine Interval) Order 20072007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Community Order (Review by Specified Courts) Order 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2162
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Macedonia) Order 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2127
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2078
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Categories of Gaming Machine Regulations 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2158
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Gambling Act 2005 (Amendment of Schedule 6) Order 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2101
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Gambling Act 2005 (Horserace Totalisator Board) Order 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2102
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2007
    Replaced by new draft ISBN 978-0-11-084753-5
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    Working Time (Amendment) Regulations 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2079
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Gambling Act 2005 (Horserace Betting Levy) Order 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2159
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Housing Benefit (Loss of Benefit) (Pilot Scheme) Regulations 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2202
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Data Retention (EC Directive) Regulations 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2199
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The International Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters Order 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2126
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (Northern Ireland Political Parties) Order 2007
    Superseded by 2007 No. 2501
    2007UK Draft Statutory Instruments

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