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Your search for English language UK Local Acts from 1847 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1857 - 1990
Complete dataset 1991 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Type

Legislation by Year

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Sandwich Haven Improvement and Regulation Act 18471847 c. cxcviUK Local Acts
Great North of Scotland Railway Act 18471847 c. cxcvUK Local Acts
Cork and Bandon Railway (Extension, Deviation and Amendment) Act 18471847 c. cxcivUK Local Acts
Boston, Stamford and Birmingham Railway (Branch to Wisbech Harbour and Wisbech Harbour Improvement) Act 18471847 c. cxciiiUK Local Acts
Burntisland Pier and Ferry Act 18471847 c. cxciiUK Local Acts
Midland Railway (Mansfield and Pinxton Branch) Act 18471847 c. cxciUK Local Acts
Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railways, and Manchester and Lincoln Union Railway and Chesterfield and Gainsborough Canal Amalgamation Act 18471847 c. cxcUK Local Acts
South Staffordshire Railway Act 18471847 c. clxxxixUK Local Acts
Portobello and Wolverhampton Railway Act 18471847 c. clxxxviiiUK Local Acts
Parkgate Railway Act 18471847 c. clxxxviiUK Local Acts
Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock and Ayr Railway Amendment (No. 4) Act 18471847 c. clxxxviUK Local Acts
Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock and Ayr Railway Amendment and Branches (No. 2) Act 18471847 c. clxxxvUK Local Acts
Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock and Ayr Railway and Glasgow and Belfast Union Railway Amendment and Branches (No. 1) Act 18471847 c. clxxxivUK Local Acts
Glasgow and South Western Railway Incorporation Act 18471847 c. clxxxiiiUK Local Acts
Glasgow, Dumfries and Carlisle Railway Amendment (No. 2) Act 18471847 c. clxxxiiUK Local Acts
Glasgow, Dumfries and Carlisle Railway Amendment (No. 1) Act 18471847 c. clxxxiUK Local Acts
Dublin and Drogheda Railway (Purchase of Navan Branch) Act 18471847 c. clxxxUK Local Acts
Swansea and Amman Junction Railway Act 18471847 c. clxxixUK Local Acts
Northampton and Banbury Railway Act 18471847 c. clxxviiiUK Local Acts
Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway (Extension to Taff Vale Railway) Act 18471847 c. clxxviiUK Local Acts

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