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Your search for English language UK Local Acts from 1849 has returned 95 results.

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Partial dataset 1857 - 1990
Complete dataset 1991 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Sheffield Canal Transfer Act 18491849 c. lxxvUK Local Acts
Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and North Western Railways (Preston and Wyre Railway, Harbour and Dock Vesting) Act 18491849 c. lxxivUK Local Acts
London and Blackwall Railway Amendment and Extension of Time Act 18491849 c. lxxiiiUK Local Acts
Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway (Wilsontown, Morningside and Coltness Railway Transfer) Act 18491849 c. lxxiiUK Local Acts
East Lancashire Railway Act 18491849 c. lxxiUK Local Acts
Rock Life Assurance Act 18491849 c. lxxUK Local Acts
Kingston-upon-Hull Dock Act 18491849 c. lxixUK Local Acts
Dublin, Ashbourne, Slane and Drogheda Roads Act 18491849 c. lxviiiUK Local Acts
Caledonian Railway (Wishaw and Coltness Railway Purchase) Act 18491849 c. lxviiUK Local Acts
New North Road (Middlesex) Act 18491849 c. lxviUK Local Acts
Flimwell Vent to Hastings Road Act 18491849 c. lxvUK Local Acts
Tinsley and Doncaster Turnpike Road Extension Act 18491849 c. lxivUK Local Acts
East and West Lanarkshire Turnpike Roads Act 18491849 c. lxiiiUK Local Acts
Irish South Eastern Railway Act 18491849 c. lxiiUK Local Acts
Dowlais Railway Act 18491849 c. lxiUK Local Acts
York and North Midland Railway Act 18491849 c. lxUK Local Acts
Black Sluice Drainage Amendment Act 18491849 c. lixUK Local Acts
York, Newcastle and Berwick Railway Act 18491849 c. lviiiUK Local Acts
Wisbech and Chatteris Turnpike Road Act 18491849 c. lviiUK Local Acts
Torquay Market Act 18491849 c. lviUK Local Acts

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