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Your search for English language UK Local Acts from 1863 has returned 165 results.

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Partial dataset 1857 - 1990
Complete dataset 1991 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Year

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North Staffordshire Railway (Additional Powers) Act 18631863 c. clviiiUK Local Acts
Glasgow and South Western Railway (Additional Powers) Act 18631863 c. clviiUK Local Acts
Wakefield Ings Turnpike Trust Act 18631863 c. clviUK Local Acts
Tamworth and Harrington Bridge Roads Act 18631863 c. clvUK Local Acts
West Hartlepool Harbour and Railway (Capital) Act 18631863 c. clivUK Local Acts
Portadown, Dugannon and Omagh Junction Railway Act 18631863 c. cliiiUK Local Acts
Hemel Hempstead and London and North Western Railway Act 18631863 c. cliiUK Local Acts
Great Western Railway (Branch at Great Bridge) Act 18631863 c. cliUK Local Acts
Standedge and Oldham Road Act 18631863 c. clUK Local Acts
Scottish Central Railway (Plean Branches) Act 18631863 c. cxlixUK Local Acts
Glasgow and South Western and Ayr and Maybole Railways Act 18631863 c. cxlviiiUK Local Acts
Great Northern Railway (Cheshire Lines) Act 18631863 c. cxlviiUK Local Acts
South Yorkshire Railway Act 18631863 c. cxlviUK Local Acts
West Shropshire Mineral Railway Act 18631863 c. cxlvUK Local Acts
Tees Conservancy Act 18631863 c. cxlivUK Local Acts
Tendring Hundred Railway Extension Act 18631863 c. cxliiiUK Local Acts
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Extensions, &c.) Act 18631863 c. cxliiUK Local Acts
Aberystwyth and Welsh Coast Railway Act 18631863 c. cxliUK Local Acts
Lands Improvement Company's Amendment Act 18631863 c. cxlUK Local Acts
Ogmore Valley Railways Act 18631863 c. cxxxixUK Local Acts

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