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Your search for English language UK Local Acts from 1865 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1857 - 1990
Complete dataset 1991 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Type

Legislation by Year

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
Mowddwy Railway Act 18651865 c. cccviUK Local Acts
Manchester and Milford Railway Act 18651865 c. cccvUK Local Acts
South Western Railway (General) Act 18651865 c. cccivUK Local Acts
Ipswich and Felixstowe Railway Act 18651865 c. ccciiiUK Local Acts
Highbridge Markets and Gas (Amendment) Act 18651865 c. ccciiUK Local Acts
Greenock and Ayrshire Railway Act 18651865 c. ccciUK Local Acts
Greenock Police and Improvement Act 18651865 c. cccUK Local Acts
Great Western Railway (Additional Powers) Act 18651865 c. ccxcixUK Local Acts
Glasgow and South Western Railway (Amalgamations) Act 18651865 c. ccxcviiiUK Local Acts
Caledonian and Dumfries, Lochmaben and Lockerby Junction Railways Amalgamation Act 18651865 c. ccxcviiUK Local Acts
Deal and Dover Railway Act 18651865 c. ccxcviUK Local Acts
Croesor and Portmadoc Railway Act 18651865 c. ccxcvUK Local Acts
Crieff and Comrie Railway Act 18651865 c. ccxcivUK Local Acts
Coventry and Great Western Junction Railway Act 18651865 c. ccxciiiUK Local Acts
Chester and West Cheshire Junction Railway Act 18651865 c. ccxciiUK Local Acts
Cambrian and Coast Railways (Amalgamation) Act 18651865 c. ccxciUK Local Acts
Caledonian Railway (Muirkirk Branch) Act 18651865 c. ccxcUK Local Acts
Caledonian Railway (Cleland and Mid Calder Railway and Branches) Act 18651865 c. cclxxxixUK Local Acts
Caledonian Railway (Additional Powers) Act 18651865 c. cclxxxviiiUK Local Acts
Caledonian and Scottish Central Railways Amalgamation Act 18651865 c. cclxxxviiUK Local Acts

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