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Your search for English language UK Local Acts from 1866 has returned 136 results.

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Partial dataset 1857 - 1990
Complete dataset 1991 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Year

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Bedford and Northampton Railway Act 18661866 c. cclxUK Local Acts
Rhymney Railway (New Lines) Act 18661866 c. cclixUK Local Acts
Swansea Harbour Act 18661866 c. cclviiiUK Local Acts
Central Ireland Railways Act 18661866 c. cclviiUK Local Acts
Forth and Clyde Navigation (Capital) Act 18661866 c. cclviUK Local Acts
Great Eastern Railway (Additional Powers) Act 18661866 c. cclvUK Local Acts
Great Western Railway (Wycombe Railway Transfer) Act 18661866 c. cclivUK Local Acts
Waveney Valley Drainage Act 18661866 c. ccliiiUK Local Acts
Ogmore Valley Railways Act 18661866 c. ccliiUK Local Acts
North Eastern Railway (Yorkshire Lines) Act 18661866 c. ccliUK Local Acts
Mold and Denbigh Junction Railway (Branches, Alterations, &c.) Act 18661866 c. cclUK Local Acts
London and North Western Railway (New Works and Additional Powers) Act 18661866 c. ccxlixUK Local Acts
Llantrissant and Taff Vale Junction Railway Act 18661866 c. ccxlviiiUK Local Acts
Great Yarmouth Port and Haven Act 18661866 c. ccxlviiUK Local Acts
Caledonian Railway (Greenock and Gourock Extensions) Act 18661866 c. ccxlviUK Local Acts
Maryport Improvement and Harbour Act 18661866 c. ccxlvUK Local Acts
Walker and Wallsend Union Gas Act 18661866 c. ccxlivUK Local Acts
Solway Junction Railway (Capital) Act 18661866 c. ccxliiiUK Local Acts
Presteign, Clun and Bishop's Castle Railway Act 18661866 c. ccxliiUK Local Acts
Bridge of Allan Water Company's Act 18661866 c. ccxliUK Local Acts

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