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Your search for English language UK Private and Personal Acts from 1830-1839 has returned more than 200 results.

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Partial dataset 1801 - 1945
Complete dataset 1946 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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James Hodson's estate: authorizing grant of mining and building leases and conveyances Act 18391839 c. 26UK Private and Personal Acts
Earl of Darnley's estate: authorizing grant of leases of estates in Kent Act 18391839 c. 25UK Private and Personal Acts
Vesting part of the estate of Ladykirk in trustees, to be sold for payment of debts, and other provisions Act 18391839 c. 24UK Private and Personal Acts
Hannah Sharp's estate: vesting devised estates in trustees to be sold for certain purposes Act 18391839 c. 23UK Private and Personal Acts
Samuel Blunt's estate: explaining and amending an Act of 1819 [c. 44] (vesting the manor of Oram and property in Sussex in trustees to be sold, other estates to be purchased and settled in lieu) Act 18391839 c. 22UK Private and Personal Acts
Harrow School's estate: enabling grant of improving leases of estates at Harrow and Barnet (Middlesex), and other provisions Act 18391839 c. 21UK Private and Personal Acts
Bethlem Hospital: enabling the City of London to sell land to the hospital Act 18391839 c. 20UK Private and Personal Acts
Duke of Buckingham and Chandos's estate: giving effect to certain powers Act 18391839 c. 19UK Private and Personal Acts
Robert Raikes's estate: vesting hereditaments in Drypool (Kingston-upon-Hull) and Sutton (Yorkshire, East Riding) in trustees to be sold, other estates to be purchased and settled in lieu Act 18391839 c. 18UK Private and Personal Acts
William Hulme's settlement: enabling trustees to apply part of the fund in the endowment of benefices, erection of churches and other purposes Act 18391839 c. 17UK Private and Personal Acts
Jane Mills's estate: enabling grant of building and repairing leases of estates in Aston (Birmingham) (Warwickshire) and amending the power of leasing in Charles Digby's marriage settlement Act 18391839 c. 16UK Private and Personal Acts
Rampton (Cambridgeshire) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 15UK Private and Personal Acts
Comberton (Cambridgeshire) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 14UK Private and Personal Acts
Clun (Salop.) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 13UK Private and Personal Acts
Barton (Cambridgeshire) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 12UK Private and Personal Acts
Ringstead (Northamptonshire) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 11UK Private and Personal Acts
Unstone (Derbyshire) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 10UK Private and Personal Acts
Totley (Derbyshire) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 9UK Private and Personal Acts
Berkeley (Gloucestershire) inclosure Act 18391839 c. 8UK Private and Personal Acts
Tetbury vicarage (Gloucestershire) : sale of advowson Act 18391839 c. 7UK Private and Personal Acts

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