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Your search for English language Local Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain has returned more than 200 results.

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Partial dataset 1797 - 1800
Complete dataset 1801 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Type

  • Local Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain (273)
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Fullbridge, Maldon, Bridge over River Chelmer Act 18001800 c. lixLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Staffordshire Inclosure and Drainage Act 18001800 c. lviiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Lancaster Canal Act 18001800 c. lviiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Oakham Canal Act 18001800 c. lviLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Melton Mowbray Navigation (Completion) Act 18001800 c. lvLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Ouse Navigation and Lewes and Laughton Levels Drainage Act 18001800 c. livLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Argyllshire Roads and Bridges Act 18001800 c. liiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Chelmsford Parish Church Act 18001800 c. liLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Russell Square Improvement Act 18001800 c. lLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
St. Pancras Improvement Act 18001800 c. xlixLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Aldbourne Workhouse and Overseers Act 18001800 c. xlviiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Port of London Improvement Act 18001800 c. xlviiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Chippenham and Westerleigh Road Act 18001800 c. xlviLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Nottingham, Oakerthorpe and Wirksworth Roads Act 18001800 c. xlvLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Norton and Halton Estate Roads (Chester) Act 18001800 c. xlivLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Rodburgh and Birdlip Road (Glos.) Act 18001800 c. xliiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Temple Bar Improvement Act 18001800 c. xliiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Wich Tree Bridge Act 18001800 c. xliLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Huntingdonshire and Cambridgeshire Drainage Act 18001800 c. xlLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Huddersfield Narrow Canal Act 18001800 c. xxxixLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain

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