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Your search for English language Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments has returned more than 200 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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  • Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments (1213)

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    Sort ascending by TitleSort descending by YearLegislation type
    The Equality Act 2010 (Specification of Public Authorities) (Scotland) Order 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 313
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Coronavirus (Scotland) Acts (Amendment of Expiry Dates) Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 299
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Marine Licensing (Exempted Activities) (Scottish Inshore Region) Amendment Order 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 316
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Winter Heating Assistance for Children and Young People (Scotland) Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 352
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Scottish Parliament (Constituencies and Regions) Order 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 375
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Insolvency Act 1986 (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 338
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Social Security Chamber (Procedure and Composition) Amendment Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 353
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Scottish Child Payment Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 351
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Children’s Advocacy Services) Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 370
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Welfare of Farmed Animals (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 385
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Census (Scotland) Amendment Order 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 436
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Human Tissue (Excepted Body Parts) (Scotland) Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 388
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Budget (Scotland) Act 2020 Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 348
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Mandatory Use of Closed Circuit Television in Slaughterhouses (Scotland) Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 384
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Valuation (Postponement of Revaluation) (Coronavirus) (Scotland) Order 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 418
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The UEFA European Championship (Trading and Advertising) (Scotland) Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 443
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Scottish Parliament (Elections etc.) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 426
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Companies Act 2006 (Scottish public sector companies to be audited by the Auditor General for Scotland) Order 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 402
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Scottish National Investment Bank p.l.c. (Miscellaneous Listings) Order 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 401
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Scottish National Investment Bank p.l.c. and South of Scotland Enterprise (Miscellaneous Listings) Regulations 2020
    Superseded by 2020 No. 403
    2020Scottish Draft Statutory Instruments

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