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Your search for English language UK Private and Personal Acts from 1849 has returned 26 results.

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Partial dataset 1801 - 1945
Complete dataset 1946 - Present

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William Antonie's estate: amending the Act of 1832 [c. 30] (vesting part of his freehold estates in John Lee, in strict settlement, subject to a term of 500 years, substituting part of John Lee's estate in lieu and appointing new trustees), authorizing the sale of part of the estate for payment of incumbrances and purchase of other hereditaments to be settled to the uses of the 1832 Act 18491849 c. 6UK Private and Personal Acts
Borough of Louth and Warden and Six Assistants of the Town and Free School of Louth (Lincolnshire) : determining the ownership of estates, hereditaments and rights and vesting the fairs and markets in the borough, and other provisions Act 18491849 c. 5UK Private and Personal Acts
Confirming leases granted by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury and Henry Penton to Thomas Clutton of hereditaments at Walworth (Surrey) and settling the boundaries thereof Act 18491849 c. 4UK Private and Personal Acts
Richard Griffith's estate: authorizing the grant of building leases of the estate called Caemaeslodig (Bangor) (Caernarvon) Act 18491849 c. 3UK Private and Personal Acts
Authorizing the sale, exchange and demise of part of the estate of Charles Hayes, deceased, and the sale and exchange of part of the estate of John Abdy, deceased, and other provisions Act 18491849 c. 2UK Private and Personal Acts
Enabling the Society for the Prosecution of Felons and Receivers of Stolen Goods to distribute its funds among certain charitable institutions Act 18491849 c. 1UK Private and Personal Acts

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