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Your search for English language UK Private and Personal Acts from 1850-1859 has returned 181 results.

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Partial dataset 1801 - 1945
Complete dataset 1946 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Type

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The Pauncefort Duncombe's Estate Act 18531853 c. 19UK Private and Personal Acts
Ward Jackson's Estate Act 18531853 c. 18UK Private and Personal Acts
Jesus College, Proby Trust Act 18531853 c. 17UK Private and Personal Acts
Reverend John Piddocke's will: power to grant mining leases of estates at Oakthorpe (Leicestershire and Derbyshire) Act 18531853 c. 16UK Private and Personal Acts
The Duke of Atholl's Estate Act 18531853 c. 15UK Private and Personal Acts
Clitheroe Grammar School Act 18531853 c. 14UK Private and Personal Acts
The Bingley School and Charity Estate Act 18531853 c. 13UK Private and Personal Acts
Martin's Estate Act 18531853 c. 12UK Private and Personal Acts
See of Canterbury's estate: vesting certain estates in the Archbishop, with provision for their sale subject to the approval of the Church Estate Commissioners, and other provisions Act 18531853 c. 11UK Private and Personal Acts
George Earl of Egremont's estate: exchange of lands directed to be sold by his will for lands directed to be settled and confirmation of an exchange of lands with Henry Earl of Ilchester Act 18531853 c. 10UK Private and Personal Acts
Sir Robert Holt Leigh's will: authorizing grant of building leases, extending the power to grant mining leases and authorizing the sale of a share in the Wigan Waterworks Act 18531853 c. 9UK Private and Personal Acts
Hall Dare's Estate Act 18531853 c. 8UK Private and Personal Acts
Thomas Brown's will: enabling the trustees to purchase estates in Ireland Act 18531853 c. 7UK Private and Personal Acts
William Cotham's estate: authorizing building and mining leases Act 18531853 c. 6UK Private and Personal Acts
Baroness de Villar's marriage settlement: enlarging the trustees' powers Act 18531853 c. 5UK Private and Personal Acts
Lord and Lady Charles Pelham Clinton's marriage settlement: authorizing the trustees to invest funds in, or on the security of, estates in England, Wales, Scotland or Ireland Act 18531853 c. 4UK Private and Personal Acts
The Aberdeen Tailors Incorporation Act 18531853 c. 3UK Private and Personal Acts
Andrew Nash's estate: power to grant building leases Act 18531853 c. 2UK Private and Personal Acts
Sidney Sussex College Estate Act 18531853 c. 1UK Private and Personal Acts
The Aberdeen Girls and Boys Hospitals Act 18521852 c. 21UK Private and Personal Acts

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