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Your search for English language legislation from 1798 has returned 71 results.

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Liverpool Security Act 17981798 c. lxxiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Crossford Bridge and Manchester Road Act 17981798 c. lxxiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Outwell, Stow Bardolph, Wimboltsham and Downham Drainage Act 17981798 c. lxxLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Out Parish of St. Philip and Jacob and Parish of St. George (Gloucestershire) Poor Relief Act 17981798 c. lxixLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Shrewsbury Free Grammar School Act 17981798 c. lxviiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Bagshot and Odiham Roads Act 17981798 c. lxviiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Roads from Tetbury, Malmesbury, Farringdon and Sherstone Act 17981798 c. lxviLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Oxford District of Farringdon Road Act 17981798 c. lxvLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Northam Bridge and Approaches Act 17981798 c. lxivLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
East Riding Drainage Act 17981798 c. lxiiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
St. Peter's Church, St. Albans Act 17981798 c. lxiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Temple Bar Improvement Act 17981798 c. lxiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Little Tower Hill Sewer Act 17981798 c. lxLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Malmesbury Improvement Act 17981798 c. lixLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Lancaster Quarter Sessions Act 17981798 c. lviiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Northern Lighthouse Company Act 17981798 c. lviiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
London Coal Trade Act 17981798 c. lviLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
London Bread Trade Act 17981798 c. lvLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Edinburgh Two Pennies Scots Act 17981798 c. livLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain
Roads from Henfield and from Poyning's Common (Sussex) Act 17981798 c. liiiLocal Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain

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