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Changes to Legislation Results

Your search for changes that affect UK Public General Acts in 1952 numbered 46 made by all legislation has returned 13 results:


1 to 13 of 13 results
    Changes that affectMade by
    Sort by Changed LegislationSort by Year and NumberChanged ProvisionType of effectType of effect helpSort by Affecting Legislation TitleSort by Year and NumberAffecting ProvisionSort by Changes made to website textAmendment applied helpNote
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46ActThe Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 20002000 No. 2853reg. 2(1) Sch. 1Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46s. 1(1)words insertedLicensing Act 20032003 c. 17Sch. 6 para. 26(2)(a)Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46s. 1(1)words substitutedLicensing Act 20032003 c. 17Sch. 6 para. 26(2)(b)Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46s. 1(2)repealedLicensing Act 20032003 c. 17Sch. 6 para. 26(3) Sch. 7Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46s. 2(1)words substitutedLicensing Act 20032003 c. 17Sch. 6 para. 27(a)Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46s. 2(1A)words substitutedLicensing Act 20032003 c. 17Sch. 6 para. 27(b)Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46s. 2(3A)insertedLicensing Act 20032003 c. 17Sch. 6 para. 27(c)Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46s. 2(4)substitutedLicensing Act 20032003 c. 17Sch. 6 para. 27(d)Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46s. 2(4)(b)amended (S)Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 19941994 c. 39Sch. 13 para. 39Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46s. 2AaddedLondon Local Authorities Act 19941994 c. xiis. 7(1)Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46s. 4repealedProtection of Freedoms Act 20122012 c. 9Sch. 2 para. 11(1) Sch. 10 Pt. 2Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46Commencement OrderThe Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994 (Commencement No.7 and Savings) Order 19961996 No. 323Yes
    Hypnotism Act 19521952 c. 46specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Licensing Act 2003 (Commencement No. 7 and Transitional Provisions) Order 20052005 No. 3056art. 2 3YesNote

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