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Changes to Legislation Results

Your search for unapplied changes that affect Directives originating from the EU in 1990 numbered 679 made by all legislation has returned 8 results:


1 to 8 of 8 results
    Changes that affectMade by
    Sort by Changed LegislationSort by Year and NumberChanged ProvisionType of effectType of effect helpSort by Affecting Legislation TitleSort by Year and NumberAffecting ProvisionSort by Changes made to website textAmendment applied helpNote
    Council Directive 90/679/EEC 1990 No. 679Annex 3replacementCouncil Directive 93/88/EEC 1993 No. 88DirectiveNot yet
    Council Directive 90/679/EEC 1990 No. 679Annex 3amendmentCommission Directive 95/30/EC 1995 No. 30DirectiveNot yet
    Council Directive 90/679/EEC 1990 No. 679Annex 3completionCommission Directive 97/59/EC 1997 No. 59DirectiveNot yet
    Council Directive 90/679/EEC 1990 No. 679Annex 3completionCommission Directive 97/65/EC 1997 No. 65DirectiveNot yet
    Council Directive 90/679/EEC 1990 No. 679Annex 7additionCouncil Directive 93/88/EEC 1993 No. 88DirectiveNot yet
    Council Directive 90/679/EEC 1990 No. 679Art. 14(3)completionCouncil Directive 93/88/EEC 1993 No. 88DirectiveNot yet
    Council Directive 90/679/EEC 1990 No. 679amended byAmended proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Directive 90/679/EEC on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work51993PC0086ActNot yet
    Council Directive 90/679/EEC 1990 No. 679repealDirective 2000/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 2000 No. 54DirectiveNot yet

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