Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Newidiadau i Ddeddfwriaeth

Mae eich chwiliad am newidiadau sy’n effeithio ar holl ddeddfwriaeth a wnaed gan Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon yn 2014 rhifo 209 wedi dod o hyd i 9 o ganlyniadau:


1 i 9 o 9 o ganlyniadau
    Newidiadau sy’n effeithio arA wnaed gan
    Sort by Deddfwriaeth wedi NewidSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth wedi NewidMath o effaithType of effect helpSort by Trefnu yn ôl Teitl Deddfwriaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Newidiadau a wnaed i destun y wefanAmendment applied helpNodyn
    Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 33s. 24(1)applied (with modifications)The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 3(9)Yes
    The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations 19941994 No. 2813RegulationsrevokedThe Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 7Not yet
    The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 1coming into forceThe Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 1(1)Yes
    The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 2coming into forceThe Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 1(1)Yes
    The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 3coming into forceThe Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 1(1)Yes
    The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 4coming into forceThe Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 1(1)Yes
    The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 5coming into forceThe Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 1(1)Yes
    The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 6coming into forceThe Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 1(1)Yes
    The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 7coming into forceThe Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20142014 No. 209reg. 1(1)Yes

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