BR-2 | 01/2005 | Part of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (except for the municipalities of Sonora, Aquidauana, Bodoqueno, Bonito, Caracol, Coxim, Jardim, Ladario, Miranda, Pedro Gomes, Porto Murtinho, Rio Negro, Rio Verde of Mato Grosso and Corumbá);
State of Paraná;
State of Sao Paulo;
Part of the State of Minas Gerais (except the regional delegations of Oliveira, Passos, São Gonçalo de Sapucai, Setelagoas and Bambuí);
State of Espíritu Santo;
State of Rio Grande do Sul;
State of Santa Catarina;
State of Goias;
Part of the State of Mato Grosso comprising:
the regional unit of Cuiaba (except for the municipalities of San Antonio de Leverger, Nossa Senhora do Livramento, Pocone and Barão de Melgaço); the regional unit of Caceres (except for the municipality of Caceres); the regional unit of Lucas do Rio Verde; the regional unit of Rondonopolis (except for the municipality of Itiquiora); the regional unit of Barra do Garça and the regional unit of Barra do Burgres.
ZA-1 | 01/2005 | The whole country except:
the part of the foot-and-mouth disease control area situated in the veterinary regions of Mpumalanga and Northern provinces, the district of Ingwavuma in the veterinary region of Natal and in the border area with Botswana east of longitude 28°, and the district of Camperdown in the province of KwaZuluNatal.]