A. Authorities of the Member States U.K.
Federale Overheidsdienst Economie, K.M.O., Middenstand & Energie
Algemene Directie Economisch Potentieel
Dienst Vergunningen
Leuvenseweg 44
B-1000 Brussel
Téléphone: (32-2) 277 67 13
Télécopie: (32-2) 277 50 63
Service public fédéral économie, PME, classes moyennes & énergie
Direction générale du potentiel économique
Service licences
Rue de Louvain 44
B-1000 Bruxelles
Tél. (32-2) 277 67 13
Fax (32-2) 277 50 63
Министерство на икономиката и енергетиката
(Ministry of Economy and Energy)
ул. ‘ Славянска ’ № 8
гр. София, 1052
Tel.: +359 29 40 71
Fax.: +359 29 87 21 90
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
Licenční správa
Na Františku 32
110 15 Praha 1
Česká republika
Tel.: (420) 224 90 76 41; (420) 224 90 76 38
Fax: (420) 224 22 18 11
E-mail: osm@mpo.cz
Annex III, No 2 and 3
Slotsholmsgade 10
DK-1216 København K
Telephone: (45) 72 26 84 00
Telefax: (45) 33 93 35 10
E-mail: jm@jm.dk
Annex II and Annex III, No 1
Økonomi- og Erhvervsministeriet
Erhvers- og Byggestyrelsen
Langelinie Allé 17
DK-2100 København Ø
Telephone: (45) 35 46 60 00
Telefax: (45) 35 46 60 01
E-mail: ebst@ebst.dk
Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA)
Frankfurter Straße 29—35
D-65760 Eschborn
Tel.: (+49) 6196 908-0
Fax: (+49) 6196 908 800
E-Mail: ausfuhrkontrolle@bafa.bund.de
Eesti Välisministeerium
1. Poliitikaosakond
Relvastus- ja strateegilise kauba kontrolli büroo
Islandi väljak 1
15049 Tallinn
Tel: +372 637 7200
Faks: +372 637 7288
E-post: stratkom@mfa.ee
Licensing Unit
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Earlsfort Centre
Lower Hatch Street
Dublin 2
Tel. (353-1) 631 21 21
Fax (353-1) 631 25 62
Υπουργείο Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών
Γενική Διεύθυνση Διεθνούς
Οικονομικής Πολιτικής
Διεύθυνση Καθεστώτων Εισαγωγών-Εξαγωγών,
Εμπορικής Άμυνας
Ερμού και Κορνάρου 1,
GR-105 63 Αθήνα
Τηλ.: (30) 210 328 60 21-22, (30) 210 328 60 51-47
Φαξ: (30) 210 328 60 94
e-mail: e3a@mnec.gr, e3c@mnec.gr
Secretaría General de Comercio Exterior
Secretaría de Estado de Comercio
Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio
Paseo de la Castellana, 162
E-28046 Madrid
Telephone: (34) 91 3492587
Telefax: (34) 91 3492470
E-mail: | Buzon.Oficial@SGDEFENSA.SECGCOMEX.MCX.ES |
Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencía Estatal de Administración Tributaria
Subdirección General de Gestión Aduanera
Avda. Llano Castellano, 17
28071 Madrid
Telephone: +34 91 7289450
Telefax: +34 91 7292065
Ministère du budget, des comptes publics et de la fonction publique
Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects
Service des titres du commerce extérieur (Setice)
14, rue Yves-Toudic
F-75010 PARIS
Tél. (33) 173 79 74 37/38/39/40/41
Fax (33) 173 79 74 36
Courriel: dg-setice@douane.finances.gouv.fr
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
Direzione Generale per la Politica Commerciale
Divisione IV
Viale Boston, 25
00144 Roma
Telephone: | + 39 06 59 93 24 30 or
+ 39 06 59 93 25 01
Telefax: + 39 06 59 64 75 06
E-mail: polcom4@mincomes.it
Υπουργείο Εμπορίου, Βιομηχανίας και Τουρισμού
Υπηρεσία Εμπορίου
Μονάδα Έκδοσης Aδειών Eισαγωγών/Eξαγωγών
Ανδρέα Αραούζου 6
CY-1421 Λευκωσία
Τηλ. (357-22) 86 71 00
Φαξ (357-22) 37 51 20
E-mail: perm.sec@mcit.gov.cy
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
Trade Service
Import/Export Licensing Unit
6 Andreas Araouzos Street
CY-1421 Nicosia
Tel. (357-22) 86 71 00
Fax: (357-22) 37 51 20
E-mail: perm.sec@mcit.gov.cy
Ekonomikas ministrija
Brīvības iela 55
LV-1519 Rīga
Telefax: +371 6 7280882
Policijos departamento prie Vidaus reikalų ministerijos
Licencijavimo skyrius
Saltoniškių g. 19
LT-08105 Vilnius
Telephone: +370 8 271 97 67
Telefax: +370 5 271 99 76
E-mail: leidimai.pd@policija.lt
Ministère de l'économie et du commerce extérieur
Office des licences
BP 113
L-2011 Luxembourg
Tél. (352) 24 78 23 70
Fax (352) 46 61 38
Courriel: office.licences@mae.etat.lu
Magyar Kereskedelmi
Engedélyezési Hivatal
Margit krt. 85.
H-1024 Budapest
Telephone: +36 1 336 74 30
Telefax: +36 1 336 74 28
E-mail: spectrade@mkeh.hu
Diviżjoni għall-Kummerċ
Servizzi Kummerċjali
Valletta CMR02
Telephone: +356 25 69 02 09
Telefax: +356 21 24 05 16
Ministerie van Economische Zaken
Directoraat-generaal voor Buitenlandse Economische Betrekkingen
Directie Handelspolitiek en Globalisering
Bezuidenhoutseweg 20
Postbus 20101
2500 EC Den Haag
The Netherlands
Telephone: (31-70) 379 64 85, 379 62 50
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
Abteilung für Aus- und Einfuhrkontrolle
Stubenring 1
A-1011 Wien
Tel.: (+43) 1 71100 8327
Fax: (+43) 1 71100 8386
E-Mail: post@C22.bmwa.gv.at
Ministerstwo Gospodarki
Departament Administrowania Obrotem
plac Trzech Krzyży 3/5
00-507 Warszawa
tel. (+48 22) 693 55 53
fax (+48 22) 693 40 21
e-mail: SekretariatDAO_1@mg.gov.pl
Ministério das Finanças
Direcção-Geral das Alfândegas e dos Impostos Especiais de Consumo
Direcção de Serviços de Licenciamento
Rua Terreiro do Trigo, edifício da Alfândega
P-1149-060 Lisboa
Tel.: (351-21) 881 42 63
Fax: (351-21) 881 42 61
Ministerul pentru Întreprinderi Mici și Mijlocii, Comerț, Turism și Profesii Liberale
Departamentul pentru Comerț Exterior
Direcția Generală Politici Comerciale
Str. Ion Câmpineanu, nr. 16
București, sector 1
Cod poștal 010036
Tel.: + 40 21 401 05 49; + 40 21 401 05 67
+ 40 21 401 05 03
Fax: + 40 21 401 05 48; + 40 21 315 04 54
e-mail: clc@dce.gov.ro
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo
Direktorat za ekonomske odnose s tujino
Kotnikova 5
1000 Ljubljana
Republika Slovenija
Telephone: +386 1 400 3542
Telefax: +386 1 400 3611
Ministerstvo hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky
Odbor riadenia obchodovania s citlivými tovarmi
Mierová 19
827 15 Bratislava
Slovenská republika
Telephone: +421 2 48 54 21 65
Telefax: +421 2 43 42 39 15
Arpajais- ja asehallintoyksikkö
PL 50
Puhelin (358-9) 160 01
Faksi (358-19) 72 06 68
Sähköposti: aahy@poliisi.fi
PO Box 6803
S-113 86 Stockholm
Tfn (46-8) 690 48 00
Fax (46-8) 30 67 59
E-post: registrator@kommers.se
Import of goods listed in Annex II:
Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
Import Licensing Branch
Queensway House
West Precinct
Billingham TS23 2NF
United Kingdom
Tel. (44-1642) 364 333
Fax (44-1642) 364 269
E-mail: enquiries.ilb@berr.gsi.gov.uk
Export of goods listed in Annexes II or III, and supply of technical assistance related to goods listed in Annex II as referred to in Articles 3(1) and (4)(1):
Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
Export Control Organisation
1 Victoria Street
London SW1H 0ET
United Kingdom
Tel. (44-20) 7215 2423
Fax (44-20) 7215 0531
E-mail: lu3.eca@berr.gsi.gov.uk
B. Address for notifications to the Commission U.K.
Commission of the European Communities
Directorate-General for External Relations
Directorate A. Crisis Platform — Policy Coordination in Common Foreign and Security Policy
Unit A.2. Crisis Response and Peace Building
CHAR 12/45
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. (32-2) 295 55 85
Fax (32-2) 299 08 73
E-mail: relex-sanctions@ec.europa.eu.]
List of goods referred to in Articles 3 and 4
Note: this list does not cover medical-technical goods
CN code | Description |
1. Goods designed for the execution of human beings, as follows: |
ex 4421 90 98
ex 8208 90 00
| 1.1. Gallows and guillotines |
ex 8543 89 95
ex 9401 79 00
ex 9401 80 00
ex 9402 10 00
ex 9402 90 00
| 1.2. Electric chairs for the purpose of execution of human beings |
ex 9406 00 38
ex 9406 00 80
| 1.3. Air-tight vaults, made of e.g. steel and glass, designed for the purpose of execution of human beings by the administration of a lethal gas or substance |
ex 8413 81 90
ex 9018 90 50
ex 9018 90 60
ex 9018 90 85
| 1.4. Automatic drug injection systems designed for the purpose of execution of human beings by the administration of a lethal chemical substance |
2. Goods designed for restraining human beings, as follows: |
ex 8543 89 95 | 2.1. Electric-shock belts designed for restraining human beings by the administration of electric shocks having a no-load voltage exceeding 10 000 V |
List of goods referred to in Article 5
CN code | Description |
1. Goods designed for restraining human beings, as follows: |
ex 9401 61 00
ex 9401 69 00
ex 9401 71 00
ex 9401 79 00
ex 9402 90 00
ex 9403 20 91
ex 9403 20 99
ex 9403 50 00
ex 9403 70 90
ex 9403 80 00
| 1.1. Restraint chairs and shackle boardsNote: This item does not control restraint chairs designed for disabled persons.
ex 7326 90 98
ex 8301 50 00
ex 3926 90 99
| 1.2. Leg-irons, gang-chains, shackles and individual cuffs or shackle braceletsNote: This item does not control ‘ordinary handcuffs’. Ordinary handcuffs are handcuffs which have an overall dimension including chain, measured from the outer edge of one cuff to the outer edge of the other cuff, between 150 and 280 mm when locked and have not been modified to cause physical pain or suffering.
ex 7326 90 98
ex 8301 50 00
ex 3926 90 99
| 1.3. Thumb-cuffs and thumb-screws, including serrated thumb-cuffs |
2. Portable devices designed for the purpose of riot control or self-protection, as follows: |
ex 8543 89 95
ex 9304 00 00
| 2.1. Portable electric shock devices, including but not limited to, electric shock batons, electric shock shields, stun guns and electric shock dart guns having a no-load voltage exceeding 10 000 VNotes:1. This item does not control electric shock belts as described in item 2.1 of Annex II.2. This item does not control individual electronic shock devices when accompanying their user for the user's own personal protection. |
3. Substances for the purpose of riot control or self-protection and related portable dissemination equipment, as follows: |
ex 8424 20 00
ex 9304 00 00
| 3.1. Portable devices for the purpose of riot control or self-protection by the administration or dissemination of an incapacitating chemical substanceNote: This item does not control individual portable devices, even if containing a chemical substance, when accompanying their user for the user's own personal protection.
ex 2924 29 95 | 3.2. Pelargonic acid vanillylamide (PAVA) (CAS 2444-46-4) |
ex 2939 99 00 | 3.3. Oleoresin capsicum (OC) (CAS 8023-77-6) |
ANNEX IVU.K.List of territories of Member States referred to in Article 5(2)
New Caledonia and Dependencies,
French Polynesia,
French Southern and Antarctic Territories,
Wallis and Futuna Islands,
St Pierre and Miquelon.
Export or import authorisation form referred to in Article 9(1)U.K.
Technical specification:U.K.
The following form shall measure 210 × 297 mm with a maximum tolerance of 5 mm less and 8 mm more. The boxes are based on a unit of measurement of one tenth of an inch horizontally and one sixth of an inch vertically. The subdivisions are based on a unit of measurement of one tenth of an inch horizontally.
Explanatory notes to the form ‘Authorisation for export or import of goods that could be used for torture (Regulation (EC) No 1236/2005)’U.K.
This authorisation form shall be used to issue an authorisation for an export or import of goods in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1236/2005 concerning trade in certain goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. It should not be used to authorise the supply of technical assistance.
Issuing authority is the authority defined in Article 2(h) of Council Regulation No 1236/2005 which is set out in Annex I to this Regulation.
Authorisations shall be issued on this single page form, which should be printed on both sides. The competent customs office deducts the exported quantities from the total quantity available. It has to make sure that the different items subject to the authorisation are clearly separated for this purpose.
Where national procedures of the Member States require additional copies of the form (as for example for the application) this authorisation form may be included in a form set containing the necessary copies following the national rules applicable. In the box above box 3 of each specimen and in the margin on the left it should be clearly indicated for which purpose (e.g. application, copy for applicant) the relevant copies are intended. One specimen only shall be the authorisation form set out in Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 1236/2005.
Box 1: | Applicant: | Please indicate the applicant's name and the full address.
The applicant's customs number may also be indicated (optional in most cases).
The type of applicant should be indicated (optional) in the relevant box, using the numbers 1, 2 or 4 referring to the points set out in the definition in Article 2(i) of Regulation (EC) No 1236/2005.
Box 3: | Authorisation No: | Please fill out the number and tick either the export or the import box. [See Article 2(d) and (e) and Article l8 of the Regulation] for the definitions of the terms ‘export’ and ‘import’. |
Box 4: | Expiry date: | Please state day (two digits), month (two digits) and year (four digits). |
Box 5: | Agent/representative: | Please indicate the name of a duly authorised representative or (customs) agent acting on behalf of the applicant, if the application is not presented by the applicant. See also Article 5 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92. |
Box 6: | Country where the goods are located: | Please state both the name of the country concerned and the relevant country code taken from the codes established pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 1172/95 (OJ L 118, 25.5.1995, p. 10). [See Commission Regulation (EC) No 1779/2002 ( OJ L 269, 5.10.2002, p. 6 )]. |
Box 7: | Country of destination: | Please state both the name of the country concerned and the relevant country code taken from the codes established pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 1172/95, (OJ L 118, 25.5.1995, p. 10). [See Commission Regulation (EC) No 1779/2002 ( OJ L 269, 5.10.2002, p. 6 )]. |
Box 10: | Description of item: | Please consider including data on packaging of the goods concerned. Note that the value of the goods may also be indicated in box 10.
If there is not sufficient space in box 10, please continue on an attached blank sheet, mentioning the authorisation number. Please indicate the number of attachments in box 16.
This form is designed for use for up to three different types of goods (see Annexes II and III to the Regulation). If it is necessary to authorise the export or import of more than three types of goods, please grant two authorisations.
Box 11 | Item No: | This box needs to be completed on the back of the form only. Please ensure that the Item No corresponds to the printed item number in Box 11 found next to the description of the relevant item on the view side. |
Box 14: | Specific requirements and conditions: | If there is not sufficient space in box 14, please continue on an attached blank sheet, mentioning the authorisation number. Please indicate the number of attachments in box 16. |
Box 16: | Number of attachments: | Please indicate the number of attachments, if any (see explanations to boxes 10 and 14). |