Summary and Background
99.The provisions in Part 4 allow the Secretary of State to introduce authority-to-carry schemes which replace the current inbound arrangements with broader inbound and outbound arrangements. They also amend existing legislation to enhance the provision of passenger, crew and service information; provide that carriers may be required to use passenger information systems capable of receiving directions when authority to carry is refused or specific security measures are required and enable enforceable standing requirements for passenger, crew and service information to be imposed on specified categories of incoming and outgoing non-scheduled traffic. New regulations will establish a civil penalty regime for failure to comply with authority-to-carry and passenger, crew and service information requirements. Part 4 also provides for amendments to current provisions for directions relating to aviation, shipping and rail to strengthen the Secretary of State’s ability to impose security measures on aircraft and rail operators as a condition of their operation to the UK and on shipping operators as a condition of their entry into UK ports and, in respect of aviation, gives powers to establish a civil penalty for failing to provide requested information or to comply with a direction.