The Family Proceedings Courts (Children Act 1989) (Amendment (No.2) Rules 1994

Rule 25


C1Applicationfor an order
C2Applicationfor an order or directions in existing family proceedings
Applicationto be joined as, or cease to be, party in existing family proceedings
Applicationfor leave to commence proceedings
C3Applicationfor an order authorising search for, taking charge of, and delivery of a child
C4Applicationfor an order for disclosure of a child’s whereabouts
C5Applicationconcerning the registration of a child-minder or a provider of day care
C6Noticeof proceedings [Hearing] [Directions Appointment] (Notice to parties)
C6ANoticeof proceedings [Hearing] [Directions Appointment] (Notice to non-parties)
C8Confidential Address
C9Statementof Service
C10Supplementfor an application for financial provision for a child or for variation of financial provision for a child
C10AStatementof Means
C11Supplementfor an application for an Emergency Protection Order
C12Supplementfor an application for a Warrant to assist a person authorised by an Emergency Protection Order
C13Supplementfor an application for a Care or Supervision Order
C14Supplementfor an application for authority to refuse contact with a child in care
C15Supplementfor an application for contact with a child in care
C16Supplementfor an application for a Child Assessment Order
C17Supplementfor an application for an Education Supervision Order
C17ASupplementfor an application for an extension of an Education Supervision Order
C18Supplementfor an application for a Recovery Order
C19Supplementfor a Warrant of Assistance
C20Supplementfor an application for an order to hold a child in Secure Accommodation
C21Order or directionBlank
C22Recordof hearing
C23OrderEmergency Protection Order
C24OrderVariation of an Emergency Protection Order
Extension of an Emergency Protection Order
Discharge of an Emergency Protection Order
C25WarrantTo assist a person authorised by an Emergency Protection Order
C26OrderAuthority to keep a child in Secure Accommodation
C27OrderAuthority to search for another child
C28WarrantTo assist a person to gain access to a child or entry to premises
C29OrderRecovery of a child
C30OrderTo disclose information about the whereabouts of a missing child
C31OrderAuthorising search for, taking charge of, and delivery of a child
C32OrderCare Order
Discharge of a Care Order
C33OrderInterim Care Order
C34OrderContact with a child in care
Authority to refuse contact with a child in care
C35OrderSupervision Order
Interim Supervision Order
C36OrderSubstitution of a Supervision Order for a Care Order
Discharge of a Supervision Order
Variation of a Supervision Order
Extension of a Supervision Order
C37OrderEducation Supervision Order
C38OrderDischarge of an Education Supervision Order
Extension of an Education Supervision Order
C39OrderChild Assessment Order
C40DirectionTo undertake an investigation
C41OrderCancellation of the registration of a child-minder or a provider of day care Removal, Variation or Imposition of a requirement on a child-minder or a provider of day care
C42OrderFamily Assistance Order
C43OrderResidence Order
Contact Order
Specific Issue Order
Prohibited Steps Order
C44OrderLeave to change the surname by which a child is known
Leave to remove a child from the United Kingdom
C45OrderParental Responsibility Order
Termination of a Parental Responsibility Order
C46OrderAppointment of a guardian
Termination of the appointment of a guardian
C47OrderMaking or refusing the appointment of a guardian ad litem
Termination of the appointment of a guardian ad litem
C48OrderAppointment of a solicitor for a child
Refusal of the appointment of a solicitor for a child
Termination of the appointment of a solicitor for a child
C49OrderTransfer of Proceedings to [the High Court] [a county court] [a family proceedings court]
C50CertificateRefusal to transfer proceedings
C51Applicationfor a Parental Order
C52Acknowledgement of an application for a Parental Order
C53OrderParental Order
C54Noticeof Refusal of a Parental Order

Rule 25