  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation, commencement and extent

  3. 2.Interpretation etc.

  4. 3.Referendum and date of poll

  5. 4.Referendum question and statement

  6. 5.Referendum period

  7. 6.Polling districts and polling places

  8. 7.Other voting provisions

  9. 8.Rules for the conduct of the referendum

  10. 9.The Chief Counting Officer and Deputy Chief Counting Officers

  11. 10.Counting officers

  12. 11.Supplementary

  13. 12.Correction of procedural errors

  14. 13.Payments to counting officers

  15. 14.Taxation of counting officers’ accounts

  16. 15.Accounts of the Welsh Ministers

  17. 16.Explanatory material

  18. 17.Supply of full register to the Commission

  19. 18.Referendum agents

  20. 19.Translations etc. of certain documents

  21. 20.Public notices and declarations

  22. 21.Sending of applications and notices: electronic signatures and related certificates

  23. 22.Publication and copies of documents

  24. 23.Advertisements

  25. 24.Non-domestic rating: premises used for referendum purposes

  26. 25.Loan of equipment for referendum

  27. 26.Offences

  28. 27.Modifications of enactments

  29. 28.Forms: general

  30. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1


      1. PART 1

        1. 1.Persons entitled to vote

        2. 2.Existing postal and proxy voters

        3. 3.Applications by electors for absent vote

        4. 4.Absent voters lists

        5. 5.Proxies

        6. 6.Voting as proxy

        7. 7.Use of personal identifier information

        8. 8.Information contained in records kept by a registration officer in...

      2. PART 2

        1. 9.General requirements for applications

        2. 10.Additional requirements for applications to vote by proxy

        3. 11.Closing dates for applications

        4. 12.Grant or refusal of applications

        5. 13.Cancellation of proxy appointment

        6. 14.The personal identifiers record

      3. PART 3

        1. 15.Effect of register

        2. 16.Effect of misdescription

        3. 17.Discharge of registration duties

        4. 18.Alterations in the register

        5. 19.Payment of expenses of registration

        6. 20.Supply of free copy of register, notices and lists for referendum purposes

        7. 21.(1) A permitted participant is entitled, subject to the following...

        8. 22.Appeals

        9. 23.Marked register for polling stations

        10. 24.Notification by registration officer

        11. 25.Service Voters

        12. 26.Forms

    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. PART 1

        1. 1.Interpretation

      2. PART 2

        1. 2.Persons entitled to be present at proceedings on issue of postal ballot papers

        2. 3.Persons entitled to be present at proceedings on receipt of postal ballot papers

        3. 4.Notification of requirement of secrecy

        4. 5.Time when postal ballot papers are to be issued

        5. 6.Procedure on issue of postal ballot paper

        6. 7.Refusal to issue postal ballot papers

        7. 8.Envelopes

        8. 9.Sealing up of completed corresponding number lists and security of lists

        9. 10.Delivery of postal ballot papers

        10. 11.Spoilt postal ballot paper

        11. 12.Lost postal ballot papers

      3. PART 3

        1. 13.Notice of opening of postal ballot paper envelopes

        2. 14.Postal ballot boxes and receptacles

        3. 15.Receipt of covering envelope

        4. 16.Opening of postal voters’ ballot box

        5. 17.Opening of covering envelopes

        6. 18.Confirming receipt of postal voting statements

        7. 19.Procedure in relation to postal voting statements

        8. 20.Procedure in relation to postal voting statements: personal identifier verification

        9. 21.Postal voting statements: additional personal identifier verification

        10. 22.Opening of ballot paper envelopes

        11. 23.Retrieval of cancelled postal ballot papers

        12. 24.Lists of rejected postal ballot papers

        13. 25.Checking of lists kept under paragraph 24

        14. 26.Sealing of receptacles

        15. 27.Forwarding of documents

    3. SCHEDULE 3


      1. PART 1

        1. 1.Timetable

        2. 2.Computation of time

      2. PART 2

        1. 3.Notice of the referendum

        2. 4.Hours of polling

        3. 5.Poll to be taken by ballot

        4. 6.The ballot paper

        5. 7.The corresponding number list

        6. 8.The official mark

        7. 9.Prohibition of disclosure of vote

        8. 10.Use of schools and public rooms for polling

      3. PART 3

        1. 11.Notice of poll

        2. 12.Postal ballot papers

        3. 13.Provision of polling stations

        4. 14.Appointment of presiding officers and clerks

        5. 15.Issue of official poll cards

        6. 16.Equipment of polling stations

        7. 17.Appointment of polling and counting agents

        8. 18.Notification of requirement of secrecy

        9. 19.Return of postal ballot papers

      4. PART 4

        1. 20.Admission to polling station

        2. 21.Keeping of order in polling station

        3. 22.Sealing of ballot boxes

        4. 23.Questions to be put to voters

        5. 24.Challenge of voter

        6. 25.Voting procedure

        7. 26.Votes marked by presiding officer

        8. 27.Voting by persons with disabilities

        9. 28.Tendered ballot papers

        10. 29.Spoilt ballot papers

        11. 30.Correction of errors on the day of the poll

        12. 31.Adjournment of poll in case of riot

        13. 32.Procedure on close of poll

      5. PART 5

        1. 33.Time of, and attendance at, the count

        2. 34.The count

        3. 35.Rejected ballot papers

        4. 36.Decisions on ballot papers

        5. 37.Counting officer’s re-count

        6. 38.Chief Counting Officer’s re-count

      6. PART 6

        1. 39.Counting officer’s certification and declaration

        2. 40.Chief Counting Officer’s certification and declaration of result of referendum

      7. PART 7

        1. 41.Sealing up of ballot papers

        2. 42.Delivery of documents to relevant registration officer

        3. 43.Orders for production of documents

        4. 44.Retention and public inspection of documents

    4. SCHEDULE 4


      1. 1.Offences relating to applications for postal and proxy votes

      2. 2.Personation

      3. 3.Other voting offences

      4. 4.Breach of official duty

      5. 5.Tampering with ballot papers etc.

      6. 6.Requirement of secrecy

      7. 7.Prohibition on publication of exit polls

      8. 8.Broadcasting from outside the United Kingdom

      9. 9.Imitation poll cards

      10. 10.Disturbances at meetings

      11. 11.Officials not to act for permitted participants

      12. 12.Illegal canvassing by police officers

      13. 13.Payments for exhibition of referendum notices

      14. 14.Prohibition of paid canvassers

      15. 15.Providing money for illegal purposes

      16. 16.Bribery

      17. 17.Treating

      18. 18.Undue influence

      19. 19.Interference with notices etc.

      20. 20.Offences in contravention of Schedule 1 paragraphs 20 and 21 (Supply of free copy of register etc.)

      21. 21.Application for relief

      22. 22.Prosecutions for corrupt practices

      23. 23.Prosecutions for illegal practice

      24. 24.Conviction of illegal practice on charge of corrupt practice etc.

      25. 25.Incapacities on conviction of corrupt or illegal practice

      26. 26.Prosecutions for illegal payments etc.

      27. 27.Time limit for prosecutions

      28. 28.Referendum offence punishable summarily

      29. 29.Prosecution of offences committed outside the United Kingdom

      30. 30.Offences by associations

      31. 31.Evidence by certificate of electoral registration

      32. 32.Director of Public Prosecutions

      33. 33.Rights of creditors

      34. 34.Saving

      35. 35.Service of notices

      36. 36.Interpretation of this Schedule

    5. SCHEDULE 5


      1. 1.General

    6. SCHEDULE 6


  31. Explanatory Note