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Title Year and Number Legislation Type Review Date
The Sea Fisheries (Channel Islands) (Amendment) Order 1989 1989/2412 UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fish (Conservation) (Channel Islands) (Amendment) Order 1989 1989/2411 UK Statutory Instruments
The Fishery Limits Act 1976 (Guernsey) Order 1989 1989/2407 UK Statutory Instruments
The Casein and Caseinates (Amendment) Regulations 1989 1989/2321 UK Statutory Instruments
The Surface Water (Dangerous Substances) (Classification) Regulations 1989 1989/2286 UK Statutory Instruments
The Apple and Pear Development Council (Dissolution) Order 1989 1989/2276 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water Reorganisation (Nominated Holding Companies) (Extinguishment of Loans) Order 1989 1989/2018 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water Reorganisation (Capital Allowances) Order 1989 1989/2017 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 1989 1989/1968 UK Statutory Instruments
The Cereals Co-responsibility Levy (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1989 1989/1823 UK Statutory Instruments
The Smoke Control Areas (Exempted Fireplaces) Order 1989 1989/1769 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water Reorganisation (Holding Companies of Successor Companies) Order 1989 1989/1531 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water Authorities (Transfer of Functions) (Appointed Day) Order 1989 1989/1530 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water Authorities (Successor Companies) Order 1989 1989/1465 UK Statutory Instruments
The Local Government Superannuation (Water) Regulations 1989 1989/1462 UK Statutory Instruments
The Companies Act 1985 (Modifications for Statutory Water Companies) Regulations 1989 1989/1461 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water (Local Statutory Provisions) (Consequential Amendments) Order 1989 1989/1380 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water and Sewerage (Works) (Advance Payments) Regulations 1989 1989/1379 UK Statutory Instruments
The Tuberculosis (Deer) Notice of Intended Slaughter and Compensation Order 1989 1989/1316 UK Statutory Instruments
The Undersized Bass Order 1989 1989/1285 UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fish (Specified Sea Area) (Regulation of Nets and Prohibition of Fishing Methods) Order 1989 1989/1284 UK Statutory Instruments
The Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulations 1989 1989/1263 UK Statutory Instruments
The Fisheries Act 1981 (Amendment) Regulations 1989 1989/1190 UK Statutory Instruments
The Agricultural Wages Committees (Cleveland, Durham, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear) Order 1989 1989/1173 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water Reorganisation (Pensions etc.) Regulations 1989 1989/1161 UK Statutory Instruments
The Trade Effluents (Prescribed Processes and Substances) Regulations 1989 1989/1156 UK Statutory Instruments
The Director General of Water Services' Register (Inspection and Charges) Order 1989 1989/1154 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water and Sewerage (Conservation Access and Recreation) (Code of Practice) Order 1989 1989/1152 UK Statutory Instruments
The Controlled Waters (Lakes and Ponds) Order 1989 1989/1149 UK Statutory Instruments
The Sandeels Licensing Order 1989 1989/1066 UK Statutory Instruments
The Set-Aside (Amendment) Regulations 1989 1989/1042 UK Statutory Instruments
The Undersized Velvet Crabs Order 1989 1989/919 UK Statutory Instruments
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Variation of Schedule) Order 1989 1989/906 UK Statutory Instruments
The Tuberculosis (Deer) Order 1989 1989/878 UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fish (Marketing Standards) (Amendment) Regulations 1989 1989/687 UK Statutory Instruments
The Cereals Co-responsibility Levy (Amendment) Regulations 1989 1989/576 UK Statutory Instruments
The Beef Special Premium (Recovery Powers) Regulations 1989 1989/575 UK Statutory Instruments
The Beef Special Premium (Protection of Payments) Order 1989 1989/574 UK Statutory Instruments
The Zoonoses Order 1989 1989/285 UK Statutory Instruments
The Warble Fly (England and Wales) (Amendment) Order 1989 1989/244 UK Statutory Instruments