Article 132U.K.Extensification payment
1.In case of application of Article 71, farmers receiving the special premium and/or the suckler cow premium may qualify for an extensification payment.
2.The extensification payment shall be EUR 100 per special premium and suckler cow premium granted, provided that in respect of the calendar year concerned the stocking density on the holding concerned is less than or equal to 1,4 LU per hectare.
However, Member States may decide to grant the extensification payment at an amount of EUR 40 for a stocking density of 1,4 LU per hectare or more and less or equal to 1,8 LU per hectare, and at an amount of EUR 80 for a stocking density of less than 1,4 LU per hectare.
3.For the purposes of the application of paragraph 2:
(a)by way of derogation from Article 131(2)(a), the stocking density of the holdings shall be determined by taking into account the male bovine animals, cows, and heifers present thereon during the calendar year concerned, as well as the sheep and/or goats for which premium applications have been submitted for the same calendar year. The number of animals shall be converted to LU by reference to the conversion table referred to in Article 131(2)(a);
(b)without prejudice to the third indent of Article 131(2)(b), areas used for the production of arable crops as defined in Annex IX shall not be taken as ‘forage area’;
(c)the forage area to be taken into account for the calculation of the stocking density shall consist of at least 50 % of pasture land.
‘Pasture land’ shall be defined by Member States. The definition shall include at least the criterion that pasture land shall be grassland which, following the local farming practices is recognised as being destined for grazing bovine animals and/or sheep. However, this shall not exclude the mixed use of pasture land during the same year (pasture, hay, grass silage).
4.Without prejudice to the stocking density requirements set out in paragraph 2 of this Article, farmers in Member States where more than 50 % of milk production takes place in mountain areas within the meaning of Article 18 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 and whose holdings are located in such areas, may receive extensification payments as set out in that paragraph for the dairy cows kept thereon.
5.In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 144(2), the Commission shall if necessary, adjust the amounts set out in paragraph 2 of this Article, taking account, in particular, of the number of animals qualifying for the payment for the preceding calendar year.