Inserted by Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded. Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 of 29 September 2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers and amending Regulations (EEC) No 2019/93, (EC) No 1452/2001, (EC) No 1453/2001, (EC) No 1454/2001, (EC) 1868/94, (EC) No 1251/1999, (EC) No 1254/1999, (EC) No 1673/2000, (EEC) No 2358/71 and (EC) No 2529/2001 (repealed)Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 (repealed)Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 of 29 September 2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers and amending Regulations (EEC) No 2019/93, (EC) No 1452/2001, (EC) No 1453/2001, (EC) No 1454/2001, (EC) 1868/94, (EC) No 1251/1999, (EC) No 1254/1999, (EC) No 1673/2000, (EEC) No 2358/71 and (EC) No 2529/2001 (repealed)2020-12-11King's Printer of Acts of Parliament<num><ins class="first" ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"><noteRef uk:name="commentary" href="#c000002" class="commentary"/>TITLE IVA</ins></num><heading><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">IMPLEMENTATION OF SUPPORT SCHEMES IN THE NEW MEMBER STATES</ins></heading><article eId="article-143b" uk:target="true"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Article 143b</ins></num><heading><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Single Area Payment scheme</ins></heading><paragraph eId="article-143b-1"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">1.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The new Member States may decide not later than the date of accession to replace the direct payments during the period of application referred to in paragraph 9 with a single area payment which shall be calculated according to paragraph 2.</ins> </p></content></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-2"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">2.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The single area payment shall be made once a year. It shall be calculated by dividing the annual financial envelope established according to paragraph 3 by the agricultural area of each new Member State established according to paragraph 4.</ins> </p></content></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-3"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">3.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">For any new Member State, the Commission shall establish an annual financial envelope:</ins> </p><blockList class="unordered dash" ukl:Name="UnorderedList" ukl:Decoration="dash"><item><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">as the sum of the funds that would be available in respect of the calendar year concerned for granting direct payments in the new Member State,</ins> </p></item><item><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">according to the relevant Community rules and on the basis of the quantitative parameters, such as base areas, premium ceilings and Maximum Guaranteed Quantities (MGQ), specified in the Act of Accession and subsequent Community legislation for each direct payment, and</ins> </p></item><item><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">adjusted using the relevant percentage specified in Article 143a for the gradual introduction of direct payments.</ins> </p></item></blockList></content></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-4"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">4.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The agricultural area of a new Member State under the single area payment scheme shall be the part of its utilised agricultural area which has been maintained in good agricultural condition at </ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">30 June 2003</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">, whether in production or not at that date, and, where appropriate, adjusted in accordance with the objective criteria to be set by that new Member State after approval by the Commission.</ins> </p><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">‘</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Utilised agricultural area</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">’</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> shall mean the total area taken up by arable land, permanent grassland, permanent crops and kitchen gardens as established by the Commission (EUROSTAT) for its statistical purposes.</ins> </p></content></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-5"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">5.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">For the purpose of granting payments under the single area payment scheme, all agricultural parcels corresponding to the criteria provided for in paragraph 4 shall be eligible.</ins> </p><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The minimum size of eligible area per holding for which payments may be requested shall be 0,3 ha. However, any new Member State may decide, on the basis of objective criteria and after approval by the Commission, to set the minimum size at a higher level not exceeding 1 ha.</ins> </p></content></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-6"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">6.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">There shall be no obligation to produce or to employ the factors of production. However, farmers may use the land referred to in paragraph 4 for any agricultural purpose. In the case of production of hemp falling within CN code </ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">5302 10 00</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">, Article 5a(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999</ins> <authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00056" marker="56"><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Council Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops (</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> <ref eId="c00062" href="">OJ L 160, 26.6.1999, p. 1</ref> </ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">).</ins> </p></authorialNote> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> and Article 7b of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2316/1999</ins> <authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00057" marker="57"><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Commission Regulation (EC) No 2316/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops (</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> <ref eId="c00063" href="">OJ L 280, 30.10.1999, p. 43</ref> </ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">).</ins> </p></authorialNote> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> as well as Article 52(1) of this Regulation shall apply.</ins> </p><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Any land benefiting from payments under the single area payment scheme shall be maintained in good agricultural condition compatible with the protection of the environment.</ins> </p><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">As from </ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">1 January 2005</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> the application of Articles 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9 shall be optional for the new Member States insofar as these provisions relate to statutory management requirements.</ins> </p></content></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-7"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">7.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Where in a given year the single area payments in a new Member State would exceed its annual financial envelope, the national amount per hectare applicable in that new Member State shall be reduced proportionately by application of a reduction coefficient.</ins> </p></content></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-8"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">8.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The Community rules on the integrated system laid down respectively in Council Regulation (EEC) No 3508/92</ins> <authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00058" marker="58"><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Council Regulation (EEC) No 3508/92 establishing an integrated administration and control system for certain Community aid schemes (</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> <ref eId="c00064" href="">OJ L 355, 5.12.1992, p. 1</ref> </ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">).</ins> </p></authorialNote> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">, and in particular Article 2 thereof, and in Chapter 4 of Title II of this Regulation, and in particular Article 18, shall apply to the single area payment scheme to the extent necessary. Accordingly, any new Member State choosing this scheme shall:</ins> </p><blockList class="unordered dash" ukl:Name="UnorderedList" ukl:Decoration="dash"><item><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">prepare and process farmers' annual aid applications. Such applications shall contain data on applicants and on declared agricultural parcels (identification number and area);</ins> </p></item><item><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">put in place a land parcel identification system so as to ensure that the parcels for which aid applications have been made can be identified and their area established, that the parcels concern agricultural land and that they are not the subject of another application;</ins> </p></item><item><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">have in place a computerised database for agricultural holdings, parcels and aid applications;</ins> </p></item><item><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">check the aid applications pertaining to the year 2004 in accordance with Articles 7 and 8 of Regulation (EEC) No 3508/92 and those pertaining to any year as from 2005 in accordance with Article 23 of this Regulation.</ins> </p></item></blockList><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The application of the single area payment scheme shall not in any way affect the obligation of any new Member State with regard to the implementation of Community rules on the identification and registration of animals as provided for by Council Directive 92/102/EEC</ins> <authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00059" marker="59"><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Council Directive 92/102/EEC on the identification and registration of animals (</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> <ref eId="c00065" href="">OJ L 355, 5.12.1992, p. 32</ref> </ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">).</ins> </p></authorialNote> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> and Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council</ins> <authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00060" marker="60"><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and regarding the labelling of beef and beef products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 820/97 (</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> <ref eId="c00066" href="">OJ L 204, 11.8.2000, p. 1</ref> </ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">).</ins> </p></authorialNote> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">.</ins> </p></content></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-9"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">9.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">For any new Member State the single area payment scheme shall be available for a period of application until the end of 2006 with the possibility of renewal twice by one year at the new Member State's request. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 11, any new Member State may decide to terminate the application of the scheme at the end of the first or the second year of the period of application with a view to applying the single payment scheme. New Member States shall notify the Commission of their intention to terminate by 1 August of the last year of application.</ins> </p></content></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-10"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">10.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Before the end of the period of application of the single area payment scheme, the Commission shall assess the state of preparedness of the new Member State concerned to apply fully the direct payments.</ins> </p><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">In particular, by the end of the period of application of the single area payment scheme, the new Member State shall have taken all necessary steps to set up the integrated system as referred to in Article 18 for running properly the direct payments in the form then applicable.</ins> </p></content></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-11"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">11.</ins></num><intro><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">On the basis of its assessment, the Commission shall:</ins> </p></intro><level class="para1"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">(a)</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">note that the new Member State can enter the system of direct payments applied in the Member States of the Community as constituted on </ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">30 April 2004</ins> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">,</ins> </p><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">or</ins> </p></content></level><level class="para1"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">(b)</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">decide to extend the application of the single area payment scheme by the new Member State for the period estimated necessary to allow for the necessary management and control procedures to be fully in place and to function properly.</ins> </p></content></level><wrapUp><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Before the end of the extended application period referred to in point (b), paragraph 10 shall apply.</ins> </p><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Until the end of the 5 year period of application of the single area payment scheme (i.e. 2008), the percentage rate set out in Article 143a shall apply. If the application of the single area payment scheme is extended beyond that date pursuant to a decision taken under point (b), the percentage rate set out in Article 143a for the year 2008 shall apply until the end of the last year of application of the single area payment scheme.</ins> </p></wrapUp></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-12"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">12.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">After the end of the period of application of the single area payment scheme, the direct payments shall be applied according to the relevant Community rules and on the basis of the quantitative parameters, such as base area, premium ceilings and Maximum Guaranteed Quantities (MGQ), specified in the Act of Accession</ins> <authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00061" marker="61"><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> <ref eId="c00067" href="">OJ L 236, 23.9.2003, p. 33</ref> </ins> <ins class="last" ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">.</ins> </p></authorialNote> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> for each direct payment and subsequent Community legislation. The percentage rates set out in Article 143a for the relevant years shall subsequently apply.</ins> </p></content></paragraph><paragraph eId="article-143b-13"><num><ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">13.</ins></num><content><p> <ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">New Member States shall inform the Commission in detail of the measures taken to implement this Article and in particular the measures taken pursuant to paragraph 7.</ins> </p></content></paragraph></article>
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<ref href="">Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded</ref>
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<title eId="title-IVA">
<ins class="first" ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">
<noteRef uk:name="commentary" href="#c000002" class="commentary"/>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">IMPLEMENTATION OF SUPPORT SCHEMES IN THE NEW MEMBER STATES</ins>
<article eId="article-143b" uk:target="true">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Article 143b</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Single Area Payment scheme</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-1">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">1.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The new Member States may decide not later than the date of accession to replace the direct payments during the period of application referred to in paragraph 9 with a single area payment which shall be calculated according to paragraph 2.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-2">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">2.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The single area payment shall be made once a year. It shall be calculated by dividing the annual financial envelope established according to paragraph 3 by the agricultural area of each new Member State established according to paragraph 4.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-3">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">3.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">For any new Member State, the Commission shall establish an annual financial envelope:</ins>
<blockList class="unordered dash" ukl:Name="UnorderedList" ukl:Decoration="dash">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">as the sum of the funds that would be available in respect of the calendar year concerned for granting direct payments in the new Member State,</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">according to the relevant Community rules and on the basis of the quantitative parameters, such as base areas, premium ceilings and Maximum Guaranteed Quantities (MGQ), specified in the Act of Accession and subsequent Community legislation for each direct payment, and</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">adjusted using the relevant percentage specified in Article 143a for the gradual introduction of direct payments.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-4">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">4.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The agricultural area of a new Member State under the single area payment scheme shall be the part of its utilised agricultural area which has been maintained in good agricultural condition at </ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">30 June 2003</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">, whether in production or not at that date, and, where appropriate, adjusted in accordance with the objective criteria to be set by that new Member State after approval by the Commission.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"></ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Utilised agricultural area</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"></ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> shall mean the total area taken up by arable land, permanent grassland, permanent crops and kitchen gardens as established by the Commission (EUROSTAT) for its statistical purposes.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-5">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">5.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">For the purpose of granting payments under the single area payment scheme, all agricultural parcels corresponding to the criteria provided for in paragraph 4 shall be eligible.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The minimum size of eligible area per holding for which payments may be requested shall be 0,3 ha. However, any new Member State may decide, on the basis of objective criteria and after approval by the Commission, to set the minimum size at a higher level not exceeding 1 ha.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-6">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">6.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">There shall be no obligation to produce or to employ the factors of production. However, farmers may use the land referred to in paragraph 4 for any agricultural purpose. In the case of production of hemp falling within CN code </ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">5302 10 00</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">, Article 5a(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999</ins>
<authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00056" marker="56">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Council Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops (</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">
<ref eId="c00062" href="">OJ L 160, 26.6.1999, p. 1</ref>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">).</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> and Article 7b of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2316/1999</ins>
<authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00057" marker="57">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Commission Regulation (EC) No 2316/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops (</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">
<ref eId="c00063" href="">OJ L 280, 30.10.1999, p. 43</ref>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">).</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> as well as Article 52(1) of this Regulation shall apply.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Any land benefiting from payments under the single area payment scheme shall be maintained in good agricultural condition compatible with the protection of the environment.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">As from </ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">1 January 2005</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> the application of Articles 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9 shall be optional for the new Member States insofar as these provisions relate to statutory management requirements.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-7">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">7.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Where in a given year the single area payments in a new Member State would exceed its annual financial envelope, the national amount per hectare applicable in that new Member State shall be reduced proportionately by application of a reduction coefficient.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-8">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">8.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The Community rules on the integrated system laid down respectively in Council Regulation (EEC) No 3508/92</ins>
<authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00058" marker="58">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Council Regulation (EEC) No 3508/92 establishing an integrated administration and control system for certain Community aid schemes (</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">
<ref eId="c00064" href="">OJ L 355, 5.12.1992, p. 1</ref>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">).</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">, and in particular Article 2 thereof, and in Chapter 4 of Title II of this Regulation, and in particular Article 18, shall apply to the single area payment scheme to the extent necessary. Accordingly, any new Member State choosing this scheme shall:</ins>
<blockList class="unordered dash" ukl:Name="UnorderedList" ukl:Decoration="dash">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">prepare and process farmers' annual aid applications. Such applications shall contain data on applicants and on declared agricultural parcels (identification number and area);</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">put in place a land parcel identification system so as to ensure that the parcels for which aid applications have been made can be identified and their area established, that the parcels concern agricultural land and that they are not the subject of another application;</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">have in place a computerised database for agricultural holdings, parcels and aid applications;</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">check the aid applications pertaining to the year 2004 in accordance with Articles 7 and 8 of Regulation (EEC) No 3508/92 and those pertaining to any year as from 2005 in accordance with Article 23 of this Regulation.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">The application of the single area payment scheme shall not in any way affect the obligation of any new Member State with regard to the implementation of Community rules on the identification and registration of animals as provided for by Council Directive 92/102/EEC</ins>
<authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00059" marker="59">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Council Directive 92/102/EEC on the identification and registration of animals (</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">
<ref eId="c00065" href="">OJ L 355, 5.12.1992, p. 32</ref>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">).</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> and Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council</ins>
<authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00060" marker="60">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and regarding the labelling of beef and beef products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 820/97 (</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">
<ref eId="c00066" href="">OJ L 204, 11.8.2000, p. 1</ref>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">).</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-9">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">9.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">For any new Member State the single area payment scheme shall be available for a period of application until the end of 2006 with the possibility of renewal twice by one year at the new Member State's request. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 11, any new Member State may decide to terminate the application of the scheme at the end of the first or the second year of the period of application with a view to applying the single payment scheme. New Member States shall notify the Commission of their intention to terminate by 1 August of the last year of application.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-10">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">10.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Before the end of the period of application of the single area payment scheme, the Commission shall assess the state of preparedness of the new Member State concerned to apply fully the direct payments.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">In particular, by the end of the period of application of the single area payment scheme, the new Member State shall have taken all necessary steps to set up the integrated system as referred to in Article 18 for running properly the direct payments in the form then applicable.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-11">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">11.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">On the basis of its assessment, the Commission shall:</ins>
<level class="para1">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">(a)</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">note that the new Member State can enter the system of direct payments applied in the Member States of the Community as constituted on </ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">30 April 2004</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">,</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">or</ins>
<level class="para1">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">(b)</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">decide to extend the application of the single area payment scheme by the new Member State for the period estimated necessary to allow for the necessary management and control procedures to be fully in place and to function properly.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Before the end of the extended application period referred to in point (b), paragraph 10 shall apply.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">Until the end of the 5 year period of application of the single area payment scheme (i.e. 2008), the percentage rate set out in Article 143a shall apply. If the application of the single area payment scheme is extended beyond that date pursuant to a decision taken under point (b), the percentage rate set out in Article 143a for the year 2008 shall apply until the end of the last year of application of the single area payment scheme.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-12">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">12.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">After the end of the period of application of the single area payment scheme, the direct payments shall be applied according to the relevant Community rules and on the basis of the quantitative parameters, such as base area, premium ceilings and Maximum Guaranteed Quantities (MGQ), specified in the Act of Accession</ins>
<authorialNote class="footnote" eId="f00061" marker="61">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">
<ref eId="c00067" href="">OJ L 236, 23.9.2003, p. 33</ref>
<ins class="last" ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002"> for each direct payment and subsequent Community legislation. The percentage rates set out in Article 143a for the relevant years shall subsequently apply.</ins>
<paragraph eId="article-143b-13">
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">13.</ins>
<ins ukl:ChangeId="O005001M010" ukl:CommentaryRef="c000002">New Member States shall inform the Commission in detail of the measures taken to implement this Article and in particular the measures taken pursuant to paragraph 7.</ins>