
ANNEX IAPPLICATION(Indicative guidelines for the dossier to be completed by applicant as foreseen under Article 6)

G.Management plan

(1)Describe the management plan for the proposed introduction. This should include, but not be restricted to, the following information:


measures taken to ensure that no other species (non-target species) accompany the shipment;


who will be permitted to use the proposed organisms and under what terms and conditions;


will there be a pre-commercial phase for the proposed introduction?


description of the contingency plan for the removal of species;


description of the quality assurance plan for the proposal, and,


other legislative requirements that need to be met.

(2)Describe the chemical, biophysical and management measures being taken to prevent accidental escape of the organism and non-target species, to and their establishment in, non-target recipient ecosystems. Give details of the water source, effluent destination, any effluent treatment, proximity to storm sewers, predator control, site security and measures to prevent escapes, if necessary.

(3)Describe contingency plans in the event of an unintentional, accidental or unauthorised liberation of the organisms from rearing and hatchery facilities or an accidental or unexpected expansion of the range of colonisation after release.

(4)If this proposal is intended to create a fishery, give details of the fishery objective. Who would benefit from such a fishery? Give details of the management plan and, if appropriate, include changes in the management plans for species which will be impacted.