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Article 29U.K.General provisions

1.Approval authorities shall grant an EU type-approval only after verifying the conformity of production arrangements referred to in Article 33 and the compliance of the type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit with the applicable requirements.

2.EU type-approvals shall be granted in accordance with this Chapter.

3.If an approval authority finds that a type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit, though conforming to the required provisions, presents a serious risk to safety or may seriously harm the environment or public health, it may refuse to grant EU type-approval. In that case, it shall immediately send to the approval authorities of the other Member States and the Commission a detailed file explaining the reasons for its decision and setting out the evidence for its findings.

4.EU type-approval certificates shall be numbered in accordance with a harmonised system laid down by the Commission by means of implementing acts. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 73(2). The first such implementing acts shall be adopted by 31 December 2014.

5.The approval authority shall, within one month of issuing the EU type-approval certificate, send to the approval authorities of the other Member States a copy of the EU vehicle type-approval certificate, together with the attachments, for each type of vehicle which it has approved by means of a common secure electronic exchange system. The copy may also take the form of a secure electronic file.

6.The approval authority shall without delay inform the approval authorities of the other Member States of its refusal or withdrawal of any vehicle approval, together with the reasons for its decision.

7.At three-monthly intervals, the approval authority shall send to the approval authorities of the other Member States a list of the EU type-approvals it has granted, amended, refused to grant or withdrawn for systems, components or separate technical units during the preceding period.

8.If so requested by an approval authority of another Member State, the approval authority which has granted an EU type-approval shall, within one month of receiving that request, send to the former a copy of the requested EU type-approval certificate, together with the attachments by means of a common secure electronic exchange system. The copy may also take the form of a secure electronic file.

9.If so requested by the Commission, the approval authority shall submit the information referred to in paragraphs 5 to 8 to the Commission as well.

10.The approval authority shall put together an information package consisting of the information folder accompanied by the test reports and all other documents added by the technical service or by the approval authority to the information folder in the course of carrying out their functions. The information package shall contain an index listing its contents, suitably numbered or otherwise marked so as to identify clearly all the pages and the format of each document such as to present a record of the successive steps in the management of the EU type-approval, in particular the dates of revisions and updating. The approval authority shall keep information contained in the information package available for a period of 10 years after the end of validity of the approval concerned.