The Rules of the Supreme Court (Northern Ireland) (Revision) 1980

Limitation action: proceedings under decree

38.—(1) Where the only defendants in a limitation action are those named in the writ by their names and all the persons so named have either been served with the writ or entered an appearance, any decree in the action limiting the plaintiff's liability (whether made by the Registrar or on the trial of the action)—

(a)need not be advertised, but

(b)shall only operate to protect the plaintiff in respect of claims by the persons so named or persons claiming through or under them.

(2) In any case not falling within paragraph (1), any decree in the action limiting the plaintiff's liability (whether made by the Registrar or on the trial of the action)—

(a)shall be advertised by the plainttiff in such manner and within such time as may be provided by the decree;

(b)shall fix a time within which persons with claims against the plaintiff in respect of the casualty to which the action relates may enter an appearance in the action (if they have not already done so) and file their claims, and, in cases to which rule 39 applies, take out a summons, if they think fit, to set the order aside.

(3) The advertisement to be required under paragraph (2)(a) shall, unless for special reasons the Registrar or judge thinks fit otherwise to provide, be a single advertisement in each of three newspapers specified in the decree, identifying the action, the casualty and the relation of the plaintiff thereto (whether as owner of a ship involved in the casualty or otherwise as the case may be), stating that the decree has been made and specifying the amounts fixed thereby as the limits of the plaintiff's liability; and the time allowed thereby for the entering of appearances, the filing of claims and the taking out of summonses to set the decree aside.

The plaintiff must Within the time fixed under paragraph (2)(b) file in the registry a copy of each newspaper in which the advertisement under paragraph (2)(a) appears.

(4) The time to be allowed under paragraph (2)(b) shall, unless for special reasons the Registrar or judge thinks fit otherwise to provide, be not less than 2 months from the latest date allowed for the appearance of the advertisements; and after the expiration of the time so allowed, no appearance may be entered, claim filed or summons taken out to set aside the decree except with the leave of the Registrar or, on an appeal, of the judge.

(5) Save as aforesaid, any decree limiting the plaintiff's liability (whether made by the Registrar or on the trial of the action) may make any such provision as is authorised by section 504 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894.