The Rules of the Supreme Court (Northern Ireland) (Revision) 1980

Engrossments for purposes of record

8.—(1) Where the Master considers that in any particular case a photographic copy of the original will would not be satisfactory for purposes of record, he may require an engrossment suitable for photographic reproduction to be lodged.

(2) Where a will contains alterations which are net admissible to proof, there shall be lodged an engrossment of the will in the form in which it is to be proved.

(3) Any engrossment lodged under this rule shall reproduce the punctuation, spacing and division into paragraphs of the will and, if it is one to which paragraph (2) of this rule applies, it shall be made book-wise on durable paper following continuously from page to page on both sides of the paper.

(4) Where any pencil writing appears on a will, there shall be lodged a copy of the will or of the pages or sheets containing the pencil writing, in which there shall be underlined in red ink those portions which appear in pencil in the original.