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Your search for English language Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders from 1949 with a subject starting with R has returned 9 results.

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TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type

Raw Opium

The Raw Opium Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19491949 No. 88Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Residence and Persons Abroad

The National Insurance (Residence and Persons Abroad) Amendment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19491949 No. 120Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Retail Bespoke Tailoring

The Retail Bespoke Tailoring Wages Council (Constitution) Order (Northern Ireland) 19491949 No. 37Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Road Transport

The Local Carriers (Revocation of Licences) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19491949 No. 110Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders


The Road Authorities (Compulsory Acquisition of Land) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19491949 No. 71Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Trunk Roads (Delegation of Powers) Order (Northern Ireland) 19491949 No. 32Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Trunk Roads (Designation of Routes) Order (Northern Ireland) 19491949 No. 28Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Royal Ulster Constabulary

The Royal Ulster Constabulary Pensions Order (Northern Ireland) 19491949 No. 211Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Ryegrass Seed

The Ryegrass Seed (Exemption) Order (Northern Ireland) 19491949 No. 184Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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