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Your search for English language Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders from 1950 with a subject starting with G has returned 12 results.

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The Gas - Rate of Payment to the Ministry of Commerce (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 8Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

General Medical and Pharmaceutical Services

The Health Services (General Medical and Pharmaceutical Services) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 128Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

General Scheme : Modification

The Health Services: General Scheme: Modification (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 2Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

General Waste Materials Reclamation Wages Council

The General Waste Materials Reclamation Wages Council Wages Regulations Order (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 232Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Government Loans

The Government Loans - Creation of Northern Ireland Loans Stock (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 27Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Northern Ireland Loans Stock Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 187Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Ulster Loans 5 per cent Stock (Redemption and Conversion) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 39Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Government Stocks

The Government Loans - Creation of Northern Ireland Loans Stock (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 196Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Government Loans: Northern Ireland Loans Stock: Creation (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 136Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders
The Northern Ireland 33/4 % Stock (Redemption) and Northern Ireland 31/2% Loans Stock (Exchange) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 153Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Grammar Schools (grant Conditions) Amending Regulations 1950

The Grammar School (Grant Conditions) Amendment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 93Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

Grinding of Metals

The Grinding of Metals Special Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19501950 No. 203Northern Ireland Statutory Rules and Orders

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