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Your search for English language Primary Legislation from 1810 has returned more than 200 results.

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Staplebar, Willey's Oak, Kingsham and Walford Roads (Herefordshire) Act 18101810 c. xcviiiUK Local Acts
Monmouth Roads Act 18101810 c. xcviiUK Local Acts
Huddersfield, Woodhead and Entercleugh Bridge Road Act 18101810 c. xcviUK Local Acts
Birmingham, Warmington and Edgehill Roads Act 18101810 c. xcvUK Local Acts
Aylesbury and Hockliffe Road Act 18101810 c. xcivUK Local Acts
Warwick and Northampton Road Act 18101810 c. xciiiUK Local Acts
Doncaster, Wakefield, Weeland and Wentbridge Roads Act 18101810 c. xciiUK Local Acts
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Coal Loading Regulation Act 18101810 c. xciUK Local Acts
Birmingham Fire Office Compamy Act 18101810 c. xcUK Local Acts
Birmingham Life Assurance and Annuity Office Act 18101810 c. lxxxixUK Local Acts
St. Mary Islington Road Act 18101810 c. lxxxviiiUK Local Acts
Lovat Bridge (Inverness) Act 18101810 c. lxxxviiUK Local Acts
York, Ouse and Foss Bridges Act 18101810 c. lxxxviUK Local Acts
Devon County Gaol Act 18101810 c. lxxxvUK Local Acts
Rolls Liberty Improvement Act 18101810 c. lxxxivUK Local Acts
Ratcliff Improvement and Poor Relief Act 18101810 c. lxxxiiiUK Local Acts
Bedford Improvement and Bridge over river Ouse Act 18101810 c. lxxxiiUK Local Acts
Minsmere Level Drainage Act 18101810 c. lxxxiUK Local Acts
Stilton Drainage Act 18101810 c. lxxxUK Local Acts
North Weston, Walton, Clapton Wick, Weston in Gordano, Clapton, Portishead and Portbury Drainage Act 18101810 c. lxxixUK Local Acts

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