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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 2000-2009 numbered between 400 and 499 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

Data is ordered by:

  • Time of results
  • Count of results

The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
The Waverley (Parish Electoral Arrangements) Order 20072007 No. 487UK Statutory Instruments
The Stockton-on-Tees (Parish Electoral Arrangements) Order 20072007 No. 486UK Statutory Instruments
The South Norfolk (Parish Electoral Arrangements and Electoral Changes) Order 20072007 No. 485UK Statutory Instruments
The North Devon (Parish Electoral Arrangements and Electoral Changes) Order 20072007 No. 484UK Statutory Instruments
The Burnley (Parish Electoral Arrangements) Order 20072007 No. 483UK Statutory Instruments
The Bromsgrove (Parish Electoral Arrangements) Order 20072007 No. 482UK Statutory Instruments
The Basildon (Parish Electoral Arrangements) Order 20072007 No. 481UK Statutory Instruments
The Aylesbury Vale (Parish Electoral Arrangements and Electoral Changes) Order 20072007 No. 480UK Statutory Instruments
The Gambling (Premises Licence Fees) (England and Wales) Regulations 20072007 No. 479UK Statutory Instruments
The NHS Direct National Health Service Trust (Establishment) Order 20072007 No. 478UK Statutory Instruments
The Dairy Produce (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 20072007 No. 477UK Statutory Instruments
The Milk (Cessation of Production) (Revocation) Scheme 20072007 No. 476UK Statutory Instruments
The Accession (Immigration and Worker Authorisation) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (revoked)2007 No. 475UK Statutory Instruments
The Vehicle and Operator Services Agency Trading Fund (Maximum Borrowing) Order 20072007 No. 468UK Statutory Instruments
The Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 (Commencement No. 5) Order 20072007 No. 467 (C. 19)UK Statutory Instruments
The Road Safety Act 2006 (Commencement No. 1)(England and Wales) Order 20072007 No. 466 (C. 18)UK Statutory Instruments
The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (revoked)2007 No. 465UK Statutory Instruments
The Education and Inspections Act 2006 (Prescribed Education and Training etc) Regulations 20072007 No. 464UK Statutory Instruments
The Childcare Act 2006 (Childcare Assessments) Regulations 20072007 No. 463UK Statutory Instruments
The Education and Inspections Act 2006 (Inspection of Local Authorities) Regulations 20072007 No. 462UK Statutory Instruments

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