Scottish Statutory Instruments

2004 No. 247 (C.17)


The Land Reform (Scotland) Act (Commencement No. 2) Order 2004


26th May 2004

The Scottish Ministers, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 100(3) and (4) of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003(1) and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby make the following Order:


1.  This Order may be cited as the Land Reform (Scotland) Act (Commencement No. 2) Order 2004.

Appointed day

2.  The appointed day for the coming into force of the following provisions of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 is 14th June 2004–

(a)Parts 2 (the community right to buy) and 3 (the crofting community right to buy); and

(b)paragraph 2 of schedule 2 and section 99 in so far as it relates to that paragraph.


Authorised to sign by the Scottish Ministers

St Andrew’s House, Edinburgh

26th May 2004

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order appoints 14th June 2004 as the date for the coming into force of Parts 2 and 3 of and paragraph 2 of schedule 2 to the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 (“the Act”).

Part 2 of the Act relates to the community right to buy and Part 3 relates to the crofting community right to buy. Paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act amends the Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure) (Scotland) Act 1947 to take account of the compulsory purchase powers in sections 35 and 72 of the Act.

Sections 8, 10 and 27 of Part 1 of the Act were commenced on 30th September 2003 by The Land Reform (Scotland) Act (Commencement No. 1) Order 2003 (S.S.I. 2003/427).