This Scottish Statutory Instrument has been made in consequence of a defect in S.S.I. 2012/173 and is being issued free of charge to all known recipients of that instrument.

Scottish Statutory Instruments

2012 No. 205  


The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Exceptions to section 14) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2012


21st June 2012

Laid before the Scottish Parliament

25th June 2012

Coming into force

2nd July 2012

In accordance with section 26(4A)(2) of that Act, they have consulted Scottish Natural Heritage and any other person appearing to them to have an interest in the making of the Order.

Citation, commencement and interpretation

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Exceptions to section 14) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2012, and comes into force on 2nd July 2012.

(2) In this Order, “the 1981 Act” means the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Amendment of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Exceptions to section 14) (Scotland) Order 2012

2.—(1) The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Exceptions to section 14) (Scotland) Order 2012(3) is amended in accordance with the following paragraphs.

(2) At the end of article 2(1), insert “(type of animal to which subsection (1)(a)(i) does not apply)”.

(3) In article 2(2), for “Latin” substitute “Scientific”.

(4) For Part 2 of the Schedule, substitute Part 2 set out in the Schedule to this Order.


A member of the Scottish Executive

St Andrew’s House,


21st June 2012

Article 2(4)


PART 2Types of plants specified for the purposes of section 14(2B)(b) of the 1981 Act (types of plants to which section 14(2) does not apply)

Common nameScientific nameExtent
Column (1)Column (2)Column (3)
AlderAlnus glutinosaAll Scotland
AshFraxinus excelsiorAll Scotland
Atlas cedarCedrus atlanticaAll Scotland
Austrian pinePinus nigra subsp. nigraAll Scotland
Bay willowSalix pentandraAll Scotland
BeechFagus sylvaticaAll Scotland
Birch, specific hybridBetula pendula x pubescens = B. x aurataAll Scotland
Bird cherryPrunus padusAll Scotland
Bishop pinePinus muricataAll Scotland
Black currantRibes nigrumAll Scotland
Black poplarPopulus nigra all subsp.All Scotland
BlackthornPrunus spinosaAll Scotland
BuglossAnchusa arvensisAll Scotland
Cedar-of-LebanonCedrus libaniAll Scotland
CharlockSinapis arvensisAll Scotland
Coastal redwoodSequoia sempervirensAll Scotland
Common fumitoryFumaria officinalisAll Scotland
Common poppyPapaver rhoeasAll Scotland
Corn marigoldGlebionis segetumAll Scotland
Corn spurreySpergula arvensisAll Scotland
CornflowerCentaurea cyanusMainland, Orkney and Shetland
Corsican pinePinus nigra subsp. laricioAll Scotland
Crab appleMalus sylvestrisAll Scotland
Crack willowSalix fragilisAll Scotland
Cut-leaved crane’s-billGeranium dissectumAll Scotland
Dark leaved willowSalix myrsinifoliaAll Scotland
DeodarCedrus deodaraAll Scotland
Dog roseRosa caninaAll Scotland
Douglas firPseudotsuga menziesiiAll Scotland
Dwarf birchBetula nanaAll Scotland
Eastern hemlockTsuga canadensisAll Scotland
ElderSambucus nigraAll Scotland
European larchLarix deciduaAll Scotland
European silver firAbies albaAll Scotland
Field forget-me-notMyosotis arvensisAll Scotland
Field mapleAcer campestreMainland only
Field pansyViola arvensisAll Scotland
Field woundwortStachys arvensisMainland, Orkney and Hebrides
GeanPrunus aviumAll Scotland
Glaucous dog roseRosa caesia subsp. vosagiacaAll Scotland
Goat willowSalix capreaAll Scotland
GooseberryRibes uva-crispaAll Scotland
Grand firAbies grandisAll Scotland
Grey alderAlnus incanaAll Scotland
Grey poplarPopulus alba x tremula = P. x canescensAll Scotland
Guelder roseViburnum opulusAll Scotland
Hairy dog roseRosa caesia subsp. caesiaAll Scotland
HawthornCrataegus monogynaAll Scotland
Hedge mustardSisymbrium officinaleAll Scotland
HollyIlex aquifoliumAll Scotland
HornbeamCarpinus betulusMainland only
Horse chestnutAesculus hippocastanumAll Scotland
Hybrid aspenPopulus tremula x tremuloidesAll Scotland
Hybrid black poplarPopulus nigra x deltoides = P. x canadensisAll Scotland
Hybrid larchLarix decidua x kaempferi = L. x marschlinsiiAll Scotland
Japanese larchLarix kaempferiAll Scotland
Japanese red cedarCryptomeria japonicaAll Scotland
Large-flowered hemp-nettleGaleopsis speciosaAll Scotland
Large-leaved limeTilia platyphyllosAll Scotland
Lawson’s cypressChamaecyparis lawsonianaAll Scotland
Leyland cypressCupressus macrocarpa x Xanthocyparis nootkatensis = X Cuprocyparis leylandiiAll Scotland
LimeTilia platyphyllos x cordata = T. x europaeaAll Scotland
Lodgepole pinePinus contorta var. latifoliaAll Scotland
Long-headed poppyPapaver dubiumAll Scotland
Macedonian pinePinus peuceAll Scotland
Mountain pinePinus mugoAll Scotland
Noble firAbies proceraAll Scotland
Nootka cypressXanthocyparis nootkatensisAll Scotland
Norway mapleAcer platanoidesAll Scotland
Norway sprucePicea abiesAll Scotland
Oak, specific hybridQuercus petraea x robur = Q. x rosaceaAll Scotland
Osier willowSalix viminalisAll Scotland
Pacific silver firAbies amabilisAll Scotland
Pedunculate oakQuercus roburAll Scotland
Petty spurgeEuphorbia peplusAll Scotland
Purple willowSalix purpureaAll Scotland
Rauli beechNothofagus alpinaAll Scotland
Red alderAlnus rubraAll Scotland
Red oakQuercus rubraAll Scotland
Roble beechNothofagus obliquaAll Scotland
Scentless mayweedTripleurospermum inodorumAll Scotland
Scots pinePinus sylvestrisAll Scotland
Serbian sprucePicea omorikaAll Scotland
Sessile oakQuercus petraeaAll Scotland
Sherard’s downy roseRosa sherardiiAll Scotland
Silver birchBetula pendulaAll Scotland
Sitka sprucePicea sitchensisAll Scotland
Small-leaved limeTilia cordataAll Scotland
Soft downy roseRosa mollisAll Scotland
SpindleEuonymus europaeusAll Scotland
Sun spurgeEuphorbia helioscopiaAll Scotland
Sweet briarRosa rubiginosaAll Scotland
Sweet chestnutCastanea sativaAll Scotland
SycamoreAcer pseudoplatanusAll Scotland
Tea-leaved willowSalix phylicifoliaAll Scotland
WalnutSpecies of the genus JuglansAll Scotland
WeldReseda luteolaMainland only
WellingtoniaSequoiadendron giganteumAll Scotland
Western hemlockTsuga heterophyllaAll Scotland
Western red cedarThuja plicataAll Scotland
White campionSilene latifoliaAll Scotland
White poplarPopulus albaAll Scotland
White willowSalix albaAll Scotland
WhitebeamSorbus aria agg.Mainland only
Wych elmUlmus glabraAll Scotland
YewTaxus baccataAll Scotland

NOTE: The common name or names given in column (1) of the table are included by way of guidance only; in the event of any dispute or proceedings, the common name or names shall not be taken into account.


(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Exceptions to section 14) (Scotland) Order 2012 (“the 2012 Order”) which specifies the types of animal and the types of plant to which the offence provisions in section 14(1)(a)(i) and 14(2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (“the 1981 Act”) (as substituted by section 14(2)(a) of the Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011) do not apply.

Article 2(2) of this Order amends article 2(1) of the 2012 Order so as to make clear that the type of animal listed in Part 1 of the Schedule is specified for the purposes of section 14(2B)(a) of the 1981 Act insofar as that section disapplies subsection (1)(a)(i) of section 14 of the 1981 Act to those types of animal.

Article 2(3) of this Order amends article 2(2) of the 2012 Order so as to refer to “Scientific name” instead of “Latin name”.

Article 2(4) of, and the Schedule to, this Order substitutes a new Part 2 into the Schedule to the 2012 Order. In the newly substituted Part 2, a number of the entries in the table have been amended so as to correctly refer to the current nomenclature for these species. The heading in column (2) of the table has also been amended to refer to “Scientific name” instead of “Latin name”.


1981 c.69. Section 14(2B) and (2D) were inserted by the Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011 (asp 6) (“the 2011 Act”), section 14(2).


Section 26(4A) was inserted by section 17(6)(c) of the 2011 Act.