Services Act 1994DisclosureKing's Printer of Acts of Parliament2021-08-03 SCHEDULESSCHEDULE 1 Investigation of Complaints References and investigations by the Tribunal 4 If, in the course of the investigation of a complaint by the Tribunal, the Tribunal consider that it is necessary to establish whether an authorisation was given under section 7 of this Act to the doing of any act, they shall refer so much of the complaint as relates to the doing of that act to the Commissioner.
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<Title>Investigation of Complaints</Title>
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<Text>If, in the course of the investigation of a complaint by the Tribunal, the Tribunal consider that it is necessary to establish whether an authorisation was given under section 7 of this Act to the doing of any act, they shall refer so much of the complaint as relates to the doing of that act to the Commissioner.</Text>