Explanatory Notes

Greater London Authority Act 1999

1999 CHAPTER 29

11th November 1999

Commentary on Sections

Part X: Culture, Media and Sport

Section 380 Powers of delegation under Part X

584.Section 380 largely mirrors section 38 which provides the general powers of delegation. Section 380 provides that functions under Part X can only be delegated to certain bodies and creates specific limitations. The Mayor is only able to delegate Part X functions to the Deputy Mayor and GLA staff, to another local authority including the Common Council, and to the Cultural Strategy Group for London or the London Development Agency. Decisions on the culture strategy, the making of byelaws for Trafalgar Square or Parliament Square and the holding of public rallies and demonstrations in the Squares are reserved for the GLA itself. Delegation of the policing of the squares is restricted to the GLA or a local authority.

585.Functions delegated must be carried out subject to any conditions the Mayor chooses to impose. Any delegation must, be in writing and, in the case of a local authority, with their written consent. Delegates are given specific powers under this section to carry out these functions and to operate through committees or employees unless otherwise directed by the Mayor. Delegation can be revoked.