Explanatory Notes

Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006

2006 CHAPTER 16

30 March 2006

Commentary on Sections

Part 1: Natural England and the Commission for Rural Communities

Chapter 1: Natural England
General implementation powers
Section 7: Management agreements

72.Management agreements are agreements that Natural England may enter into with people who have an interest in land. Their aim is to ensure that the land is managed or used in a way that helps to further Natural England’s general purpose. This section replaces English Nature and the Countryside Agency’s agreement-making powers in other legislation, but transitional provisions will ensure that any existing agreements made by English Nature and the Countryside Agency remain in force.

73.Section 7 needs to be read in conjunction with the consequential amendments made to the 1949 Act, the 1968 Act and the 1981 Act by Schedule 11. Those Acts make further provision about the consequences of entering into or not entering into management agreements, and other related matters.