Explanatory Notes

Companies Act 2006

2006 CHAPTER 46

8 November 2006


Part 18: Acquisition by Limited Company of Its Own Shares

Chapter 1: General Provisions
Section 665: Issue of certificate of incorporation on re-registration

985.This section replaces section 147(4)(a) of the 1985 Act and restates section 147(4) and (4)(b) of that Act. As with the previous section, the provision has been updated to reflect the fact that in future companies will not be capable of, and will not need to, alter their memoranda. Subsection (3) is new. Consistent with the approach taken in Part 7 of the Act, a certificate of incorporation issued on the re-registration of a company under section 664 will need to specify that it is being issued on the re-registration of the company and the date on which it is issued.