Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 Explanatory Notes

Section 56: Recommendations

326.If the Adjudicator concludes that a pub-owning business has failed to comply with the Pubs Code, the Adjudicator can recommend what the pub-owning business should do to comply with the Pubs Code. The Adjudicator is then required to monitor whether recommendations are followed (subsection (2)) and report on this in the annual report under section 62. For the purposes of monitoring, pub-owning businesses can be required to provide information to the Adjudicator (see Part 2 of Schedule 1).

327.Recommendations are likely to be used in circumstances where the breach of the Pubs Code is less serious. They may also be used alongside a requirement to publish information or the imposition of financial penalties for more serious breaches of the Code. There is no express sanction for failure to comply with a recommendation, but failure to show that a recommendation has been followed could trigger a new investigation (see section 53) or be taken into account when considering what sanction to impose following a future investigation.

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