Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 Explanatory Notes

Joint arrangements

503.Shares or rights in a company may also be subject to joint arrangements between persons, where those persons agree to act jointly in respect of the shares or rights in question. Paragraph 12 provides that in such cases, each person is treated for the purpose of this Schedule as holding the combined shares or rights of both of them. For example, if A and B each hold 20% of shares in company Y and have made a joint arrangement, each of them will be a registrable person in respect of Y by virtue of holding 40% of Y’s shares.

504.“Arrangement” is defined in paragraph 21. Paragraph 12(2) provides that a “joint arrangement” is an arrangement between the holders of shares or rights that they will exercise all or substantially all their respective rights together, as pre-determined by the arrangement in question. In such cases, all parties to the arrangement are registrable persons or RLEs.

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