Sect. 41.
“The Company.”
Mortgage, number £
By virtue of [here name the special Act], we, “The Company,” in consideration of the sum of pounds paid to us by A.B. of , do assign unto the said A.B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, the said undertaking, [and (in case such loan shall be in anticipation of the capital authorized to be raised) all future calls on shareholders,] and all the tolls and sums of money arising by virtue of the said Act, and all the estate, right, title, and interest of the company in the same, to hold unto the said A.B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, until the said sum of pounds, together with interest for the same at the rate of for every one hundred pounds by the year, be satisfied [the principal sum to be repaid at the end of years from the date hereof (in case any period be agreed upon for that purpose)], [at , or any place of payment other than the principal office of the company]. Given under our common seal, this day of in the year of our Lord .