1965 No. 1530


The Colonial Probates Act Application Order 1965


Laid before Parliament

Coming into Operation

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 3rd day of August 1965


The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council

Whereas Her Majesty is satisfied that the legislatures of the countries and territories specified in Schedule 1 hereto have made adequate provision for the recognition of Probates and Letters of Administration granted by courts within the United Kingdom:

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers by the Colonial Probates Act 1892, the Colonial Probates (Protected States and Mandated Territories) Act 1927, the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts 1890 and 19131 or otherwise in Her Majesty is vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:—

Citation, commencement and interpretation1


This Order may be cited as the Colonial Probates Act Application Order 1965 and shall come into operation on 10th August 1965.


The Interpretation Act 1889 shall apply for the purpose of interpreting this Order as it applies for the purposes of interpreting an Act of Parliament.

Application of Act2

The Colonial Probates Act 1892 shall apply to the countries and territories specified in Schedule 1 to this Order.


The Orders specified in Schedule 2 to this Order are hereby revoked.

W. G. Agnew


Article 2

  • Aden

  • Alberta

  • Antigua

  • Australian Capital Territory

  • Bahamas

  • Barbados

  • Basutoland

  • Bechuanaland Protectorate

  • Bermuda

  • British Antarctic Territory

  • British Columbia

  • British Guiana

  • British Honduras

  • British Solomon Islands Protectorate

  • British Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus

  • Brunei

  • Cayman Islands

  • Ceylon

  • Christmas Island (Australian)

  • Cocos (Keeling) Islands

  • Cyprus (Republic)

  • Dominica

  • Falkland Islands Colony

  • Falkland Islands Dependencies

  • Fiji

  • Gambia

  • Ghana

  • Gibraltar

  • Gilbert and Ellice Islands

  • Grenada

  • Hong Kong

  • Jamaica

  • Kenya

  • Manitoba

  • Malawi

  • Malaysia

  • Montserrat

  • New Brunswick

  • New Guinea (Trust Territory)

  • New South Wales

  • New Zealand

  • Newfoundland

  • Nigeria

  • Norfolk Island

  • Northern Territory of Australia

  • North-West Territories of Canada

  • Nova Scotia

  • Ontario

  • Papua

  • Prince Edward Island

  • Queensland

  • St. Christopher, Nevis and Anguilla

  • St. Helena

  • St. Lucia

  • St. Vincent

  • Saskatchewan

  • Seychelles

  • Sierra Leone

  • South Australia

  • Southern Rhodesia

  • Swaziland Protectorate

  • Tanzania

  • Tasmania

  • Trinidad and Tobago

  • Turks and Caicos Islands

  • Uganda

  • Victoria

  • Virgin Islands

  • Western Australia

  • Zambia

SCHEDULE 2Orders Revoked

Article 3

Date on which Order made

Countries or territories to which Order applied


30th January 1893

New South Wales, Victoria, New Zealand, Gibraltar and British Honduras.

Rev. I, p. 22: 1893, p. 1.

15th March 1893

Hong Kong, Western Australia and Ontario.

Rev. I, p. 23: 1893, p. 2.

16th May 1893

British Guiana, the Gold Coast, South Australia and the Straits Settlements.

Rev. I, p. 23: 1893, p. 3.

23rd November 1893

Bahama Islands.

Rev. I, p. 24: 1893, p. 4.

29th January 1894

Barbados and Tasmania.

S.R. & O. 1894/73 (Rev. I, p. 24: 1894, p. 1).

30th April 1894


S.R. & O. 1894/117 (Rev. I, p. 25: 1894, p. 2).

27th June 1894

Trinidad and Tobago.

S.R. & O. 1894/160 (Rev. I, p. 25: 1894, p. 3).

18th July 1894


S.R. & O. 1894/178 (Rev. I, p. 26: 1894, p. 4).

3rd October 1895

Falkland Islands.

S.R. & O. 1895/405 (Rev. I, p. 27: 1895, p. 2).

6th March 1896

Leeward Islands and Dominica.

S.R. & O. 1896/194 (Rev. I, p. 27: 1896, p. 1).

26th October 1896

British Columbia.

S.R. & O. 1896/960 (Rev. I, p. 28: 1896, p. 2).

26th October 1896

Nova Scotia.

S.R. & O. 1896/961 (Rev. I, p. 28: 1896, p. 3).

27th November 1896


S.R. & O. 1896/1083 (Rev. I, p. 29: 1896, p. 4).

18th May 1897

North-West Territories of the Dominion of Canada.

S.R. & O. 1897/556 (Rev. I, p. 29: 1897, p. 1).

3rd February 1898


S.R. & O. 1898/124 (Rev. I, p. 30: 1898, p. 1).

19th May 1898

St. Vincent.

S.R. & O. 1898/412 (Rev. I, p. 30: 1898, p. 2).

19th May 1899


S.R. & O. 1899/449 (Rev. I, p. 31: 1899 II, p. 1415).

29th January 1900

St. Helena.

S.R. & O. 1900/88 (Rev. I, p. 31: 1900, p. 1).

20th May 1903


S.R. & O. 1903/414 (Rev. I, p. 32: 1903 I, p. 2).

11th February 1913

Alberta and Saskatchewan.

S.R. & O. 1913/214 (Rev. I, p. 32: 1913 I, p. 1).

30th September 1914


S.R. & O. 1914/1473 (Rev. I, p. 34: 1914 I, p. 2).

30th March 1916

Sierra Leone Colony.

S.R. & O. 1916/273 (Rev. I, p. 34: 1916 I, p. 1).

30th March 1916

Sierra Leone and Uganda Protectorates.

S.R. & O. 1916/274 (Rev. I, p. 35: 1916 I, p. 357).

30th March 1916

Zanzibar Protectorate.

S.R. & O. 1916/275 (Rev. I, p. 35: 1916 I, p. 360).

7th September 1916

Nyasaland Protectorate.

S.R. & O. 1916/622 (Rev. I, p. 36: 1916 I, p. 356).

6th November 1916

East Africa, Bechuanaland, Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia and Swaziland Protectorates.

S.R. & O. 1916/818 (Rev. I, p. 37: 1916 I, p. 354).

17th July 1917

Saint Lucia.

S.R. & O. 1917/745 (Rev. I, p. 38: 1917, p. 1).

8th May 1919

Bermudas or Somers Islands.

S.R. & O. 1919/670 (Rev. I, p. 39: 1919 I, p. 1).

17th May 1920

Nigeria Colony.

S.R. & O. 1920/887 (Rev. I, p. 39: 1920 I, p. 2).

17th May 1920

Nigeria Protectorate.

S.R. & O. 1920/888 (Rev. I, p. 40: 1920 I, p. 665).

13th August 1920


S.R. & O. 1920/1663 (Rev. I, p. 41: 1920 I, p. 1).

14th February 1921

Gambia Colony.

S.R. & O. 1921/263 (Rev. I, p. 41: 1921, p. 1).

22nd December 1921


S.R. & O. 1921/2003 (Rev. I, p. 42: 1921, p. 2).

15th June 1928

Federated Malay States.

S.R. & O. 1928/496 (Rev. I, p. 42: 1928, p. 1).

7th May 1929

Tanganyika Territory.

S.R. & O. 1929/393 (Rev. I, p. 45: 1929, p. 3).

27th February 1930

Western Samoa.

S.R. & O. 1930/123 (Rev. I, p. 46: 1930, p. 2).

28th July 1930


S.R. & O. 1930/654 (Rev. I, p. 47: 1930, p. 1).

21st July 1932

Norfolk Island.

S.R. & O. 1932/605 (Rev. I, p. 47: 1932, p. 1).

31st January 1936


S.R. & O. 1936/78 (Rev. I, p. 48: 1936 I, p. 8).

17th November 1939

Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, Trengganu, Brunei, North Borneo and Sarawak.

S.R. & O. 1939/1701 (Rev. I, p. 48: 1939 I, p. 1).

17th November 1939

British Solomon Islands and Gambia Protectorates, Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, Somaliland Protectorate, Cameroons and Togoland under British Mandate.

S.R. & O. 1939/1702 (Rev. I, p. 50: 1939 I, p. 2).

17th November 1939

Aden, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, Cyprus, Seychelles and Gilbert and Ellice Islands.

S.R. & O. 1939/1703 (Rev. I, p. 51: 1939 I, p. 4).

21st December 1950

New Brunswick.

S.I. 1950/2097 (1950 I, p. 1).


The Colonial Probates Act 1892 provides for the recognition by courts in the United Kingdom of Probates and Letters of Administration granted by courts in those countries or territories in the Commonwealth to which the Act has been applied by Order in Council.

This Order consolidates in one Order, taking account of constitutional and nominal changes, the provisions of previous Order applying the Act, except that it also applies the Act to the Australian Capital Territory, the British Antarctic Territory, the Falkland Islands Dependencies, the Northern Territory of Australia, Prince Edward Island and the Trust Territory of New Guinea and does not apply it to Western Samoa, the former Somaliland Protectorate (now part of Somalia) or the former Southern Cameroons (now part of the Republic of Cameroon).