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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1969 numbered between 600 and 699 has returned 43 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Motor Vehicles (International Motor Insurance Card) Regulations 19691969 No. 668UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) (Amendment) Regulations 19691969 No. 667UK Statutory Instruments
    The Superannuation (Commission on Industrial Relations) Order 19691969 No. 665UK Statutory Instruments
    The Price Stability of Imported Products (Rates of Levy No. 10) Order 19691969 No. 664UK Statutory Instruments
    The Increase of Pensions (Teachers Family Benefits) (Scotland) Regulations 19691969 No. 660 (S. 54)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Teachers Superannuation (Scotland) (Amendment) Regulations 19691969 No. 659 (S. 53)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Wages Regulation (Licensed Non-residential Establishment) (Managers and Club Stewards) Order 19691969 No. 655UK Statutory Instruments
    The Wages Regulation (Rope, Twine and Net) Order 19691969 No. 654UK Statutory Instruments
    The Wages Regulation (Hair, Bass and Fibre) (Holidays) Order 19691969 No. 641UK Statutory Instruments
    The Wages Regulation (Hair, Bass and Fibre) Order 19691969 No. 640UK Statutory Instruments
    The Building (Fourth Amendment) Regulations 19691969 No. 639UK Statutory Instruments
    The Isles of Scilly (Housing) Order 19691969 No. 638UK Statutory Instruments
    The Isles of Scilly (Housing) (Amendment) Order 19691969 No. 637UK Statutory Instruments
    The Abortion (Amendment) Regulations 19691969 No. 636UK Statutory Instruments
    The Capital Allowances (Comparable Northern Ireland Grants) Order 19691969 No. 635UK Statutory Instruments
    The Wages Regulation (Cotton Waste Reclamation) Order 19691969 No. 632UK Statutory Instruments
    The Representation of the People Act 1969 (Commencement) Order 19691969 No. 630 (C. 15)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Fishing Nets (Northwest Atlantic) Order 19691969 No. 628UK Statutory Instruments
    The Industrial Training Levy (Civil Air Transport) Order 19691969 No. 620UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) (Prescribed Diseases) Amendment Regulations 19691969 No. 619UK Statutory Instruments

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