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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1978 numbered between 1600 and 1699 has returned 67 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Northumbrian Water Authority (Darlington) (Extension of Operation of Byelaws) Order 19781978 No. 1667UK Statutory Instruments
    The Chester Water (Extension of Operation of Byelaws) Order 19781978 No. 1666UK Statutory Instruments
    The District of South Lakeland (Electoral Arrangements) Order 19781978 No. 1665UK Statutory Instruments
    The Borough of Northampton (Electoral Arrangements) Order 19781978 No. 1664UK Statutory Instruments
    The Common Agricultural Policy (Agricultural Produce) (Protection of Community Arrangements) (Amendment) Order 19781978 No. 1660UK Statutory Instruments
    The Trunk Road (New Road, Rainham) (Prescribed Route) Order 19781978 No. 1655UK Statutory Instruments
    The Companies (Department of Trade) Fees (Amendment No. 3) Order 19781978 No. 1654UK Statutory Instruments
    The Bankruptcy Fees (Amendment No. 3) Order 19781978 No. 1653 (L. 36)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Sea Fishing (Specified Foreign Boats) Licensing (No. 3) Order 1977 (Variation) Order 19781978 No. 1652UK Statutory Instruments
    The Fishing Boats (Specified Countries) Designation (No. 3) Order 1977 (Variation) (No. 2) Order 19781978 No. 1651UK Statutory Instruments
    The Fishing Boats (Faroe Islands) Designation (No. 3) (Variation) Order 19781978 No. 1650UK Statutory Instruments
    The Plant Breeders' Rights (Applications in Designated Countries) (Amendment) Order 19781978 No. 1649UK Statutory Instruments
    The Coal and Other Mines (Metrication) Regulations 19781978 No. 1648UK Statutory Instruments
    The Yorkshire Water Authority (Arkengarthdale: Langthwaite Intake) Order 19781978 No. 1645UK Statutory Instruments
    The Licensing (Fees) Order 19781978 No. 1644UK Statutory Instruments
    The Industrial Training (Transfer of the Activities of Establishments) (No. 3) Order 19781978 No. 1643UK Statutory Instruments
    The District of Wokingham (Electoral Arrangements) Order 19781978 No. 1640UK Statutory Instruments
    The Borough of Barnsley (Electoral Arrangements) Order 19781978 No. 1639UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Charges (Amendment) Rules 19781978 No. 1638UK Statutory Instruments
    The Civil Aviation Authority (Charges) (Revocation) Regulations 19781978 No. 1633UK Statutory Instruments

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