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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1984 numbered between 1600 and 1699 has returned 73 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 76) Order 19841984 No. 1645UK Statutory Instruments
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 75) Order 19841984 No. 1644UK Statutory Instruments
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (Revocation) (No. 58) Order 19841984 No. 1643UK Statutory Instruments
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (Revocation) (No. 57) Order 19841984 No. 1642UK Statutory Instruments
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (Revocation) (No. 56) Order 19841984 No. 1641UK Statutory Instruments
    The Textile Products (Indications of Fibre Content) (Amendment) Regulations 19841984 No. 1640UK Statutory Instruments
    The Income Tax (Cash Equivalents of Car Fuel Benefits) Order 19841984 No. 1636UK Statutory Instruments
    The Income Tax (Cash Equivalents of Car Benefits) Order 19841984 No. 1635UK Statutory Instruments
    The International Organisations (Tax Exempt Securities) (No. 2) Order 19841984 No. 1634UK Statutory Instruments
    The Police Cadets (Amendment) Regulations 19841984 No. 1633UK Statutory Instruments
    The M25 Motorway (Micklefield Green to South Mimms Section) and Connecting Roads Supplementary No 2 Scheme 19841984 No. 1630UK Statutory Instruments
    The Housing Act 1964 (Appropriate Multiplier) Order 19841984 No. 1629UK Statutory Instruments
    The Combined Probation Areas (Dyfed) Order 19841984 No. 1628UK Statutory Instruments
    The Sole (Bristol Channel and South-east of Ireland) (Prohibition of Fishing) Order 19841984 No. 1627UK Statutory Instruments
    The County of South Glamorgan (Peripheral Distributor Road—Grangetown Link) Bridges Scheme 1982 Confirmation Instrument 19841984 No. 1626UK Statutory Instruments
    The Superannuation (Children's Pensions) (Earnings Limit) Order 19841984 No. 1625UK Statutory Instruments
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 74) Order 19841984 No. 1624UK Statutory Instruments
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (No. 73) Order 19841984 No. 1623UK Statutory Instruments
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (Revocation) (No. 55) Order 19841984 No. 1622UK Statutory Instruments
    The Offshore Installations (Safety Zones) (Revocation) (No. 54) Order 19841984 No. 1621UK Statutory Instruments

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