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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1990 numbered between 800 and 899 has returned 62 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Merchant Shipping (Light Dues) (Amendment) Regulations 19901990 No. 866UK Statutory Instruments
    The Driver Information Systems (Exemption) Order 19901990 No. 865UK Statutory Instruments
    The Court of Protection (Enduring Powers of Attorney) (Amendment) Rules 19901990 No. 864UK Statutory Instruments
    The Business Expansion Scheme (Substitution of Permitted Maximum Amount) Order 19901990 No. 862UK Statutory Instruments
    The Mercury Communications Ltd. (Rateable Values) (Scotland) Order 19901990 No. 857 (S. 114)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Water Undertakings (Rateable Values) (Scotland) Order 19901990 No. 856 (S. 113)UK Statutory Instruments
    The British Waterways Board (Rateable Values) (Scotland) Order 19901990 No. 855 (S. 112)UK Statutory Instruments
    The British Railways Board (Rateable Values) (Scotland) Order 19901990 No. 854 (S. 111)UK Statutory Instruments
    House of Commons Member’s Fund Resolution 19901990 No. 853UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Government Officers (Political Restrictions) Regulations 19901990 No. 851UK Statutory Instruments
    The Combined Probation Areas (Hertfordshire) Order 19901990 No. 844UK Statutory Instruments
    The Charities (Borough Lands Charity, Chippenham) Order 19901990 No. 843UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 19901990 No. 842UK Statutory Instruments
    The Combined Probation Areas (North Yorkshire) Order 19901990 No. 841UK Statutory Instruments
    The Advice and Assistance (Financial Conditions) (Scotland) Regulations 19901990 No. 840 (S. 110)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Civil Legal Aid (Financial Conditions) (Scotland) Regulations 19901990 No. 839 (S. 109)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Glasgow Underground (Rateable Values) (Scotland) Order 19901990 No. 838 (S. 108)UK Statutory Instruments
    The British Gas plc. (Rateable Values) (Scotland) Order 19901990 No. 837 (S. 107)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Lochaber Power Company (Rateable Values) (Scotland) Order 19901990 No. 836 (S. 106)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Community Charge Benefits (General) Amendment No. 2 Regulations 19901990 No. 835UK Statutory Instruments

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