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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1992 numbered between 3100 and 3199 has returned 91 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Police (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 19921992 No. 3170 (S. 257)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Combined Probation Areas (Hampshire) Order 19921992 No. 3169UK Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Individual Pupils' Achievements) (Information) Regulations 19921992 No. 3168UK Statutory Instruments
    The Taxes (Interest Rate) (Amendment No. 6) Regulations 19921992 No. 3167UK Statutory Instruments
    The Combined Probation Areas (Warwickshire) Order 19921992 No. 3166UK Statutory Instruments
    The Food Safety (Fishery Products on Fishing Vessels) Regulations 19921992 No. 3165UK Statutory Instruments
    The Food Safety (Live Bivalve Molluscs and Other Shellfish) Regulations 19921992 No. 3164UK Statutory Instruments
    The Food Safety (Fishery Products) Regulations 19921992 No. 3163UK Statutory Instruments
    The Patents (Supplementary Protection Certificate for Medicinal Products) Rules 19921992 No. 3162UK Statutory Instruments
    The Artificial Insemination of Pigs (EEC) Regulations 19921992 No. 3161UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Vehicles (Tests) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 19921992 No. 3160UK Statutory Instruments
    The Specified Diseases (Notification and Slaughter) Order 19921992 No. 3159UK Statutory Instruments
    The Excise Duty (Amendment of the Alcoholic Liquor Duties Act 1979 and the Hydrocarbon Oil Duties Act 1979) Regulations 19921992 No. 3158UK Statutory Instruments
    The Excise Duty (Relief on Alcholic Ingredients) (Amendments) Regulations 19921992 No. 3157UK Statutory Instruments
    The Customs and Excise (Personal Reliefs for Special Visitors) Order 19921992 No. 3156UK Statutory Instruments
    The Excise Duties (Personal Reliefs) Order 19921992 No. 3155UK Statutory Instruments
    The Tobacco Products (Amendment) Regulations 19921992 No. 3154UK Statutory Instruments
    The Value Added Tax (Repayments to Third Country Traders) (Amendment) Regulations 19921992 No. 3153UK Statutory Instruments
    The Excise Duties (Deferred Payment) Regulations 19921992 No. 3152UK Statutory Instruments
    The Excise Goods (Drawback) Regulations 19921992 No. 3151UK Statutory Instruments

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