The Bank Accounts Directive (Miscellaneous Banks) Regulations 2008 (revoked)

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations are made under section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972. They replace the Bank Accounts Directive (Miscellaneous Banks) Regulations 1991 (S.I. 1991/2704) (“the 1991 Regulations”) and continue the implementation of Council Directive 86/635/EEC of 8th December 1986 on the annual and consolidated accounts of banks and other financial institutions. They also implement, in part, Directive 2006/43/EC on statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts (O.J. L157, 9.6.2006, p.87) (“the Audit Directive”).

The Regulations come into force on 6th April 2008, and apply to financial years beginning on or after that date, and auditors appointed in respect of those financial years (regulation 1(2)). They extend to the whole of the United Kingdom. They apply to the undertakings specified in regulation 3 (“qualifying banks”) which have their principal place of business in the United Kingdom.

Regulation 4 re-enacts the requirements of the 1991 Regulations that qualifying banks prepare accounts and a directors' report, and cause to be prepared an auditor's report, as if they were banking companies or parent companies of banking groups (within the meaning of the Companies Act 2006). Relevant provisions of the Companies Act 2006 and of the Large and Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 (“the Companies Accounts Regulations”) are applied to the accounts and reports of such banks. Some of those provisions are modified by the Schedule to the Regulations. Regulation 4(2) applies the relevant provisions of the Companies (Disclosure of Auditor Remuneration and Liability Limitation Agreements) Regulations 2008 to qualifying banks. This implements Article 49 of the Audit Directive on the disclosure of auditor remuneration.

The requirement of the 1991 Regulations that the accounts of qualifying banks should be prepared within 7 months of the end of the relevant year is replaced by a requirement that the accounts should be prepared within 6 months of that date (regulation 4(3)), reflecting the new time limit in section 442(2)(b) of the Companies Act 2006.

Regulation 5 re-enacts the provisions of the 1991 Regulations for the publication of the accounts required by these Regulations. Regulation 6 contains penalties for non-compliance with regulations 4 and 5.

Regulation 7 implements Article 37 of the Audit Directive, which requires the auditor to be appointed by the general meeting of shareholders or members of the audited entity. It does so by applying sections 485 to 488 of the Companies Act 2006. Regulation 8 imposes equivalent functions on auditors to those imposed by the Companies Act 2006, and Regulation 9 implements Article 28.1 of the Audit Directive on signature of the auditor's report.

Regulation 10 implements Article 38.1 of the Audit Directive, which requires Member States to ensure that auditors may be dismissed only where there are proper grounds. It creates a new right to apply to the High Court, which may be exercised by a member of the qualifying bank or by the Financial Services Authority.

Regulations 11 and 12 implement Article 38.2 of the Audit Directive, which requires Member States to ensure that the audited entity and the auditor inform the authorities responsible for public oversight of the resignation or dismissal of the auditor. Regulation 13 contains penalties for non-compliance with regulations 11 and 12.

Regulation 14 makes a consequential amendment to the Companies Act 2006.

Regulation 15 revokes the 1991 Regulations and makes transitional provision for the continued application of those regulations in respect of financial years of qualifying banks beginning before 6th April 2008.

A transposition note has been prepared which sets out how Directive 2006/43 is to be transposed into UK law. An Impact Assessment of the effect that the implementation of Directive 2006/43 will have on the costs of business, charities or voluntary bodies has also been prepared. Both are available from the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, Corporate Law and Governance Directorate, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET. They are also available electronically at Copies have also been placed in the libraries of both Houses of Parliament. Otherwise an Impact Assessment has not been produced for these Regulations as they have only a negligible impact on the costs of business, charities or voluntary bodies.