Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016texttext/xmlenStatute Law DatabaseINSOLVENCY, ENGLAND AND WALES;COMPANIES, INDIVIDUALS2024-07-02Expert Participation2017-04-06 These Rules set out the detailed procedures for the conduct of all company and personal insolvency proceedings in England and Wales under the Insolvency Act 1986 and otherwise give effect to that Act. These Rules supersede the Insolvency Rules 1986 (SI 1986/1925 as amended). Those Rules are revoked along with 29 amending Rules. These Rules give effect to amendments made to the Insolvency Act by the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2011 (c.24), the Deregulation Act 2015 (c.20) and the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 (c.26). PART 13 OFFICIAL RECEIVERSOfficial receivers in court131Judicial notice must be taken of the appointment under sections 399 to 401 of official receivers and deputy official receivers.2Official receivers and deputy official receivers have a right of audience in insolvency proceedings, whether in the High Court or the County Court.Persons entitled to act on official receiver's behalf131In the absence of the official receiver authorised to act in a particular case, an officer authorised in writing for the purpose by the Secretary of State, or by the official receiver, may with the permission of the court, act on the official receiver's behalf and in the official receiver's place—ain any examination under section 133, 236, 251N, 290 or 366; andbin relation to any application to the court.2In case of emergency, where there is no official receiver capable of acting, anything to be done by, to or before the official receiver may be done by, to or before the registrar or District Judge.Application for directions13The official receiver may apply to the court for directions in relation to any matter arising in insolvency proceedings.Official receiver's expenses131Any expenses (including damages) incurred by the official receiver (in whatever capacity the official receiver may be acting) in connection with proceedings taken against the official receiver in insolvency proceedings are to be treated as expenses of the insolvency proceedings.2The official receiver has a charge on the insolvent estate in respect of any sums due to the official receiver under paragraph (1) in connection with insolvency proceedings other than proceedings relating to debt relief orders or applications for debt relief orders.Official receiver not to be appointed liquidator or trustee13The official receiver may not be appointed as liquidator or trustee by any decision of creditors or (in a winding up) contributories or the company.
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<dc:title>The Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016</dc:title>
<dc:publisher>Statute Law Database</dc:publisher>
<dc:subject scheme="SIheading">INSOLVENCY, ENGLAND AND WALES;COMPANIES, INDIVIDUALS</dc:subject>
<dc:contributor>Expert Participation</dc:contributor>
<dc:description>These Rules set out the detailed procedures for the conduct of all company and personal insolvency proceedings in England and Wales under the Insolvency Act 1986 and otherwise give effect to that Act. These Rules supersede the Insolvency Rules 1986 (SI 1986/1925 as amended). Those Rules are revoked along with 29 amending Rules. These Rules give effect to amendments made to the Insolvency Act by the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2011 (c.24), the Deregulation Act 2015 (c.20) and the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 (c.26).</dc:description>
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<ukm:DocumentCategory Value="secondary"/>
<ukm:DocumentMainType Value="UnitedKingdomStatutoryInstrument"/>
<ukm:DocumentStatus Value="revised"/>
<ukm:DocumentMinorType Value="rule"/>
<ukm:Year Value="2016"/>
<ukm:Number Value="1024"/>
<ukm:Made Date="2016-10-18"/>
<ukm:Laid Date="2016-10-25" Class="UnitedKingdomParliament"/>
<ukm:DateTime Date="2017-04-06"/>
<ukm:ISBN Value="9780111150627"/>
<ukm:Note IdURI=""/>
<ukm:Alternative URI="" Date="2016-10-25" Title="UK Explanatory Memorandum" Size="62386"/>
<ukm:CorrectionSlip URI="" Date="2018-02-23" Title="Correction Slip 1" Size="10259"/>
<ukm:CorrectionSlip URI="" Date="2017-03-24" Title="Correction Slip" Size="25784"/>
<ukm:Alternative URI="" Date="2016-10-27" Size="2319064"/>
<ukm:ImpactAssessment URI="" Date="2016-10-25" Title="The Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016" Stage="Final" Department="Ministry of Justice" Year="2016" Number="207" Size="385418"/>
<ukm:ImpactAssessment URI="" Date="2016-10-25" Title="The Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016" Stage="Final" Department="Ministry of Justice" Year="2016" Number="206" Size="123088"/>
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<Part DocumentURI="" IdURI="" NumberOfProvisions="5" id="part-13" RestrictStartDate="2017-04-06">
<Strong>PART 13</Strong>
<P1group RestrictStartDate="2017-04-06">
<Title>Official receivers in court</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.1">
<Pnumber PuncAfter=".1.">13</Pnumber>
<P2 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.1-1">
<Text>Judicial notice must be taken of the appointment under sections 399 to 401 of official receivers and deputy official receivers.</Text>
<P2 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.1-2">
<Text>Official receivers and deputy official receivers have a right of audience in insolvency proceedings, whether in the High Court or the County Court.</Text>
<P1group RestrictStartDate="2017-04-06">
<Title>Persons entitled to act on official receiver's behalf</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.2">
<Pnumber PuncAfter=".2.">13</Pnumber>
<P2 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.2-1">
<Text>In the absence of the official receiver authorised to act in a particular case, an officer authorised in writing for the purpose by the Secretary of State, or by the official receiver, may with the permission of the court, act on the official receiver's behalf and in the official receiver's place—</Text>
<P3 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.2-1-a">
<Text>in any examination under section 133, 236, 251N, 290 or 366; and</Text>
<P3 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.2-1-b">
<Text>in relation to any application to the court.</Text>
<P2 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.2-2">
<Text>In case of emergency, where there is no official receiver capable of acting, anything to be done by, to or before the official receiver may be done by, to or before the registrar or District Judge.</Text>
<P1group RestrictStartDate="2017-04-06">
<Title>Application for directions</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.3">
<Pnumber PuncAfter=".3.">13</Pnumber>
<Text>The official receiver may apply to the court for directions in relation to any matter arising in insolvency proceedings.</Text>
<P1group RestrictStartDate="2017-04-06">
<Title>Official receiver's expenses</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.4">
<Pnumber PuncAfter=".4.">13</Pnumber>
<P2 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.4-1">
<Text>Any expenses (including damages) incurred by the official receiver (in whatever capacity the official receiver may be acting) in connection with proceedings taken against the official receiver in insolvency proceedings are to be treated as expenses of the insolvency proceedings.</Text>
<P2 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.4-2">
<Text>The official receiver has a charge on the insolvent estate in respect of any sums due to the official receiver under paragraph (1) in connection with insolvency proceedings other than proceedings relating to debt relief orders or applications for debt relief orders.</Text>
<P1group RestrictStartDate="2017-04-06">
<Title>Official receiver not to be appointed liquidator or trustee</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="rule-13.5">
<Pnumber PuncAfter=".5.">13</Pnumber>
<Text>The official receiver may not be appointed as liquidator or trustee by any decision of creditors or (in a winding up) contributories or the company.</Text>