2021 No. 1441

Government Resources And Accounts

The Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Estimates and Accounts) (Amendment) Order 2021


Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

The Treasury make the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by section 4A(3) and (4) of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 20001.

In accordance with section 4A(8) of that Act the Treasury have consulted, where they think it appropriate, the Scottish Ministers, the Department of Finance and Personnel for Northern Ireland and the Welsh Ministers.

Title, commencement and interpretation1


This Order may be cited as the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Estimates and Accounts) (Amendment) Order 2021.


This Order comes into force on 31st January 2022.


In this Order, “the principal Order” means the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Estimates and Accounts) Order 20212.

Amendments to the principal Order2


The principal Order is amended as follows.


For the Schedule (designated bodies) to the principal Order, substitute the Schedule set out in the Schedule to this Order.

Michael TomlinsonCraig WhittakerTwo of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury

SCHEDULESchedule to be substituted for the Schedule to the principal Order

Article 2(2)

SCHEDULEDesignated Bodies

PART 1Ministry of Defence

  • Advisory Committee on Conscientious Objectors

  • Advisory Group on Military Medicine

  • Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trustee Limited

  • Armed Forces Pay Review Body

  • AWE plc

  • Central Advisory Committee on Compensation

  • Commonwealth War Graves Commission

  • Defence Nuclear Safety Committee

  • Defence Science Expert Committee

  • Independent Medical Expert Group

  • Independent Monitoring Board for the Military Corrective Training Centre (MCTC) Colchester

  • International Military Services Limited

  • National Army Museum

  • National Museum of the Royal Navy

  • Nuclear Research Advisory Council

  • Royal Air Force Museum

  • Royal Hospital Chelsea

  • Science Advisory Committee on the Medical Implications of Less-Lethal Weapons

  • Service Complaints Ombudsman

  • Service Prosecuting Authority

  • Single Source Regulations Office

  • Territorial, auxiliary and volunteer reserve associations established under section 110 of the Reserve Forces Act 19963

  • Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committees

PART 2Home Office

  • The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs

  • Biometrics and Forensics Ethics Group

  • College of Policing Limited

  • Commission for Countering Extremism

  • The Committee for the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes

  • Disclosure and Barring Service

  • Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Advisory Board

  • Forensic Archive Ltd

  • Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority

  • Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Constabulary

  • Immigration Services Commissioner

  • Independent Family Returns Panel

  • Independent Office for Police Conduct

  • Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office

  • Investigatory Powers Tribunal

  • Migration Advisory Committee

  • National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body

  • Office of the Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency

  • Office of the Director of Labour Market Enforcement

  • Office of the Domestic Abuse Commissioner

  • The Office of the Commissioner for the Retention and Use of Biometric Material

  • The Office of the Forensic Science Regulator

  • The Office of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner

  • The Office of the Independent Monitor for the purposes of Part 5 of the Police Act 19974

  • The Office of the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation

  • The Office of the person appointed under sections 47H(4), 127H(4), 195H(4), 290(8) and 303E(9) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 20025

  • The Office of the Surveillance Camera Commissioner

  • Office for Communications Data Authorisations

  • Police Advisory Board for England and Wales

  • Police Appeals Tribunal

  • Police Remuneration Review Body

  • Security Industry Authority

  • Technical Advisory Board

PART 3Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

  • Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom

  • The Great Britain-China Centre

  • The Independent Commission for Aid Impact

  • Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission

  • The UK China Forum

  • The Westminster Foundation for Democracy Limited

PART 4Department of Health and Social Care

  • Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee

  • Advisory Committee on Antimicrobial Prescribing, Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection

  • Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances

  • Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards

  • Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens

  • Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs

  • Advisory Group on Hepatitis

  • Care Quality Commission

  • Charitable trusts the trustees of which are an NHS Foundation Trust (as established under section 30 of the National Health Service Act 20066)

  • Charitable trusts the trustees of which are appointed for NHS Foundation Trusts in pursuance of an order under section 51 of the National Health Service Act 2006

  • Clinical commissioning groups (as established under section 14D of the National Health Service Act 20067)

  • Committee on Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment

  • Committee on the Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment

  • Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants

  • Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment

  • Community Health Partnerships Ltd

  • English NHS charities as defined by section 149(7) of the Charities Act 20118

  • Expert Advisory Group on AIDS

  • Genomics England Limited

  • Health and Care Professions Council

  • The Health and Social Care Information Centre

  • Health Education England

  • Health Research Authority

  • Healthwatch England

  • Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority

  • Human Tissue Authority

  • Independent Reconfiguration Panel

  • Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation

  • Monitor

  • The National Health Service Commissioning Board

  • National Health Service Trust Development Authority

  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

  • NHS Business Services Authority

  • NHS Counter Fraud Authority

  • NHS Foundation Trusts (as established under section 30 of the National Health Service Act 2006)

  • NHS Litigation Authority

  • The NHS Pay Review Body

  • NHS Property Services Ltd

  • NHS Trusts (as established under section 25 of the National Health Service Act 2006)

  • The Nursing and Midwifery Council

  • Office of the National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care

  • Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care

  • Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration

  • Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition

  • Skipton Fund Ltd

  • Supply Chain Coordination Limited

  • UK Nutrition and Health Claims Committee

  • Wiltshire Health and Care LLP

PART 5Department for Work and Pensions

  • BPDTS Limited

  • Disabled People’s Employment Corporation (GB) Ltd

  • Health and Safety Executive

  • Industrial Injuries Advisory Council

  • Money Advice Service

  • Money and Pensions Service

  • Ombudsman for the Board of the Pension Protection Fund

  • The Pensions Advisory Service Limited

  • The Pensions Ombudsman

  • The Pensions Regulator

  • Remploy Pension Scheme Trustees Ltd

  • Social Security Advisory Committee

PART 6Department for Education

  • Aggregator Vehicle plc

  • Children’s Commissioner

  • Construction Industry Training Board

  • Engineering Construction Industry Training Board

  • Film Industry Training Board for England and Wales

  • Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education

  • Located Property Limited

  • Office for Students

  • School Teachers’ Review Body

  • Social Work England

  • Student Loans Company Limited

PART 7Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

  • Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service

  • AEA Insurance Limited

  • BBB Patient Capital Holdings Limited

  • BIS (Postal Services Act 2011) Company Limited

  • British Business Aspire Holdco Ltd

  • British Business Bank plc

  • British Business Finance Ltd

  • British Business Financial Services Ltd

  • British Business Investments Ltd

  • British Hallmarking Council

  • British Patient Capital Limited

  • British Technology Investments Limited

  • Capital for Enterprise Fund Managers Limited

  • Capital for Enterprise (GP) Limited

  • Capital for Enterprise Limited

  • Central Arbitration Committee

  • Certification Office for Trade Union and Employers’ Associations

  • Civil Nuclear Police Authority

  • Coal Authority

  • Committee on Climate Change

  • Committee on Fuel Poverty

  • Committee on Radioactive Waste Management

  • Competition Appeal Tribunal

  • Competition Service

  • The Copyright Tribunal

  • Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Investments Limited

  • Council for Science and Technology

  • Daresbury SIC (PubSec) LLP

  • Diamond Light Source Limited

  • Dounreay Site Restoration Limited

  • East Midlands Early Growth Fund Limited

  • Electricity Settlements Company Ltd

  • Enrichment Holdings Ltd

  • Enrichment Investments Limited

  • The Financial Reporting Council Limited

  • Fleetbank Funding Limited

  • Groceries Code Adjudicator

  • Harwell Science and Innovation Campus Public Sector Limited Partnership

  • Industrial Development Advisory Board

  • Innovate UK Loans Limited

  • LLW Repository Limited

  • Low Carbon Contracts Company Ltd

  • Low Pay Commission

  • Magnox Limited

  • Medical Research Council

  • Midlands Engine Investments Limited

  • NDA Archives Limited

  • The NESTA Trust

  • Northern Powerhouse Investments Limited

  • Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

  • Nuclear Liabilities Financing Assurance Board


  • Office of Manpower Economics

  • Oil and Gas Authority

  • Postal Services Holding Company Limited

  • Pubs Code Adjudicator

  • Radioactive Waste Management Limited

  • Regulatory Policy Committee

  • Research Sites Restoration Limited

  • Rule Committee (as mentioned in section 127(2) of the Land Registration Act 20029)

  • Salix Finance Ltd

  • Sellafield Limited

  • Small Business Commissioner

  • The Start-Up Loans Company

  • STFC Innovations Limited

  • UK Accounting Standards Endorsement Board Limited

  • UK Climate Investments Apollo Limited

  • UK Climate Investments Dazzle Limited

  • UK Climate Investments Etna Limited

  • UK Climate Investments H1 Limited

  • UK Climate Investments Indigo Limited

  • UK Climate Investments Kijani Limited

  • UK Climate Investments Lakeside Limited

  • UK Climate Investments LLP

  • UK Climate Investments VC Limited

  • UK Green Infrastructure Platform Limited

  • UK Shared Business Services Limited

  • United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

  • United Kingdom Research and Innovation

PART 8Department for Transport

  • Air Safety Support International Ltd

  • Air Travel Trust

  • British Transport Police Authority

  • The Commissioners of Irish Lights

  • The Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses

  • CTRL Section 1 Finance plc

  • Directly Operated Railways

  • Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee

  • East West Rail Company Limited

  • High Speed Two (HS2) Limited

  • LCR Finance plc

  • National Highways Limited

  • Network Rail Limited

  • Network Rail Certification Body Limited

  • Network Rail Consulting Limited

  • Network Rail Development Limited

  • Network Rail (High Speed) Limited

  • Network Rail Holdco Limited

  • Network Rail Infrastructure Finance plc

  • Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

  • Network Rail Pension Trustee Limited

  • Network Rail (VY1) Limited

  • Network Rail (VY2) Limited

  • Office for the Traffic Commissioner

  • Passengers’ Council

  • Train Fleet (2019) Limited

  • Transport Focus Scotland Limited

  • Transport Focus Wales Ltd

  • Trinity House Lighthouse Service

PART 9Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

  • Advisory Committee on the Government Art Collection

  • Arts Council of England

  • BBC Commercial Holdings Limited

  • BBC Digital Programme Services Limited

  • BBC Free to View (Satellite) Ltd

  • BBC Free to View Ltd

  • BBC Global News Holdings Limited

  • BBC Investments Ltd

  • BBC Media Applications Technologies Limited

  • BBC News Ltd

  • BBC Property Development Ltd

  • BBC Property Investment Ltd

  • BBC Property Ltd

  • BBC Studios Limited

  • BBC Subscription Television Limited

  • BBC World Service Holdings Ltd

  • BIG Lottery Fund

  • Birmingham Organising Committee for the 2022 Commonwealth Games Ltd

  • Board of Trustees of the Armouries

  • Board of Trustees of the National Gallery

  • Board of Trustees of the National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside

  • Board of Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery

  • Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

  • Board of Trustees of the Tate Gallery

  • Board of Trustees of the Victoria and Albert Museum

  • Board of Trustees of the Wallace Collection

  • British Broadcasting Corporation

  • British Film Institute

  • British Library Board

  • British Tourist Authority

  • Churches Conservation Trust

  • DSHS Ltd

  • The English Institute of Sport Limited

  • English Sports Council

  • English Sports Development Trust Limited

  • Festival 2022 Limited

  • Gambling Commission

  • Geffrye Museum Trust Ltd

  • The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England

  • The Historic England Foundation

  • Historic England Limited

  • Horniman Museum and Public Park Foundation

  • Horniman Public Museum and Public Park Trust

  • Horserace Betting Levy Board

  • Information Commissioner

  • National Citizen Service Trust

  • National Film Development Fund

  • The Natural History Museum Benevolent Fund

  • The Natural History Museum Special Funds Trust

  • Office of the Adjudicator – Broadcast Transmission Services

  • The Office of the Adjudicator Ltd

  • Office of Communications

  • Phone-paid Services Authority Limited

  • PhonepayPlus Limited

  • Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art

  • Royal Armouries Development Trust

  • S4C

  • Sir John Soane’s Museum

  • The Sports Council Trust Company

  • Sports Grounds Safety Authority

  • Treasure Valuation Committee

  • Trustees of the British Museum

  • Trustees of the Imperial War Museum

  • Trustees of the National Heritage Memorial Fund

  • Trustees of the National Maritime Museum

  • Trustees of the Natural History Museum

  • UK Anti-Doping

  • The United Kingdom Sports Council

  • Yorkshire 2019 Limited

PART 10Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

  • AWM (Subsidiary) Ltd

  • Bristol and Bath Science Park Estate Management Company Limited

  • Building Regulations Advisory Committee

  • Commission for Local Administration in England

  • English Partnerships (LP) Limited

  • The Estuary Management Company Ltd

  • Homes and Communities Agency

  • The Housing Ombudsman

  • The Leasehold Advisory Service

  • NorwePP (NWDA Subsidiary) Limited

  • ONE NorthEast General Partner Limited

  • Parliamentary Boundary Commission for England

  • Parliamentary Boundary Commission for Wales

  • Regulator of Social Housing

  • Valuation Tribunal for England

  • Valuation Tribunal Service

PART 11Ministry of Justice

  • Advisory Committees on Justices of the Peace in England and Wales

  • Assessor of Compensation for Miscarriages of Justice

  • Chief Coroner’s Office

  • Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service

  • Civil Justice Council

  • Civil Procedure Rule Committee

  • Criminal Cases Review Commission

  • Criminal Procedure Rule Committee

  • Family Justice Council

  • Family Procedure Rule Committee

  • Gov Facility Services Limited

  • Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody

  • Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements

  • Independent Monitoring Boards of Prisons, Immigration Removal Centres and Short Term Holding Facilities

  • Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman

  • Judicial Appointments Commission

  • Judicial College

  • Judicial Conduct and Investigations Office

  • Judicial Office

  • Law Commission

  • Legal Services Board

  • Office for Legal Complaints

  • Office of the Commissioner for Victims and Witnesses

  • Office of HM Inspectorate of Prisons

  • Office of HM Inspectorate of Probation

  • Office of the Judge Advocate General

  • Office of the Official Solicitor

  • Office of the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales

  • Parole Board for England and Wales

  • Prison Service Pay Review Body

  • Public Trustee

  • Recognition Panel

  • Sentencing Council for England and Wales

  • Tribunal Procedure Committee

  • Youth Justice Board for England and Wales

PART 12Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

  • Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment

  • Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

  • Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

  • Consumer Council for Water

  • Environment Agency

  • Flood Re

  • Forestry Commission

  • Independent Agricultural Appeals Panel

  • Joint Nature Conservation Committee

  • Livestock Information Limited

  • Marine Management Organisation

  • National Forest Company

  • Natural England

  • Office for Environmental Protection

  • Plant Varieties and Seeds Tribunal

  • RBG Kew Enterprises Limited

  • Science Advisory Council

  • Sea Fish Industry Authority

  • Sutton Bridge Experimental Unit Limited

  • Veterinary Products Committee

PART 13HM Revenue and Customs

  • Revenue & Customs Digital Technology Services Limited

PART 14HM Treasury

  • Bradford & Bingley plc

  • Bradford & Bingley Homeloans Limited

  • Bradford & Bingley Investments

  • Bradford & Bingley Mortgage Management Limited

  • Finance for Mortgages Limited

  • Financial Reporting Advisory Board

  • Help to Buy (HMT) Limited

  • HM Treasury UK Sovereign Sukuk plc

  • HSMS

  • IUK Investments Holdings Limited

  • IUK Investments Limited

  • Leamington Mortgage Corporation Limited

  • Mortgage Express

  • Mortgage Express (No. 2)

  • Northern Rock (Asset Management) Limited

  • NRAM Limited

  • NRAM (No.2) Limited

  • NRAM Homes Limited

  • Office for Budget Responsibility

  • Reclaim Fund Ltd

  • Royal Household

  • Royal Mint Advisory Committee on the Design of Coins, Medals, Seals and Decorations

  • Scotlife Home Loans (No.2) Limited

  • Silhouette Mortgages Limited

  • UKAR Corporate Services Limited

  • UK Asset Resolution Limited

  • UK Government Investments Limited

  • UK Infrastructure Bank Limited

PART 15Cabinet Office

  • Advisory Committee on Business Appointments

  • Civil Service Commission

  • Commission for Equality and Human Rights

  • Committee on Standards in Public Life

  • Geospatial Commission

  • House of Lords Appointments Commission

  • Main Honours Committee

  • Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments

  • The Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists

  • Security Vetting Appeals Panel

  • Senior Salaries Review Body

  • Social Mobility Commission

PART 16Scotland Office and Office of the Advocate General

  • Boundary Commission for Scotland

PART 17Northern Ireland Office

  • Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland

  • Independent Reporting Commission

  • Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

  • Parades Commission for Northern Ireland

PART 18Food Standards Agency

  • Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs

  • Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes

  • Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food

  • Advisory Committee for Social Science

  • Advisory Forum on Food and Feed

  • Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment

  • FSA Science Council

PART 19The National Archives

  • Advisory Council on National Records and Archives

PART 20Export Credits Guarantee Department

  • Export Guarantees Advisory Council

PART 21Department for International Trade

  • Trade Remedies Authority


(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Estimates and Accounts) Order 2021 (S.I. 2021/265) (“the principal Order”), which designates specified central government bodies in relation to named government departments for the purpose of those departments’ supply estimates and resource accounts.

A new Schedule is substituted for the Schedule to the principal Order. The effect of this amendment is that additional bodies are designated, the names of some bodies are changed, some bodies are no longer designated and the name of one government department is changed to reflect machinery of government changes.

The designations have effect for the financial year which ends on 31st March 2022.

An impact assessment has not been prepared for this instrument as no impact on the private or voluntary sector is foreseen. An Explanatory Memorandum is available alongside the instrument on www.legislation.gov.uk.