IFreeholders may sell their Lands; so that the Feoffee do hold of the Chief Lord.
FORASMUCH as Purchasers of Lands and Tenements of the Fees of great men and X1other Lords, have many times heretofore entered into their Fees, to the prejudice of the Lords, X2to whom the Freeholders of such great men (X3) have sold their Lands and Tenements to be holden in Fee (X4) of their Feoffors, and not of the Chief Lords of the Fees, whereby the same Chief Lords have many times lost their Escheats, Marriages, and Wardships of Lands and Tenements belonging to their Fees; which thing seemed very hard and extream unto those X5Lords and other great men, and moreover in this case manifest Disheritance: Our Lord the King, in his Parliament at Westminster after Easter, the eighteenth year of his Reign, that is to wit, in the Quinzime of Saint John Baptist, at the instance of the great Men of the Realm, granted, provided, and ordained, That from henceforth it shall be lawful to every Freeman to sell at his own pleasure his Lands and Tenements, or part of them; so that the Feoffee shall hold the same Lands or Tenements of the X6Chief Lord of the same Fee, by such Service and Customs as his Feoffor held before.
II Sale of Part.Apportionment of Services.
AND if he sell any part of such Lands or Tenements to any, the Feoffee shall immediately hold it of the Chief Lord, and shall be forthwith charged with the Services, for so much as pertaineth, or ought to pertain to the said Chief Lord for the same parcel, according to the Quantity of the Land or Tenement [so] sold: And so in this case the same part of the Service X7shall remain to the Lord, to be taken by the hands of the Feoffee, for the which he ought to be attendant and answerable to the same Chief Lord, according to the Quantity of the Land or Tenement sold, for the parcel of the Service so due.
IIIX8Mortmain prohibited.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F1 And It is to wit, that this Statute extendeth but only to Lands X9holden in Fee Simple; and that it extendeth to the time coming; and it shall begin to take effect at the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle next coming. [Given the eighteenth year of the Reign of King Edward, Son to King Henry.]